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Charlene Smith is an award winning journalist and writer. Her authorized biography on Nelson Mandela, "Mandela" is a best seller and "Mandela in America" will be released in 2012. She is presently writing a book, "America the Overmedicated," on prescription drug addiction.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Obama says: 'Consider the alternative' - but is there one?
The Republican's unimpressive presidential hopefuls are pretty awful, but Obama's track record has left many former supporters angry. Perhaps the most significant thing about the 2012 presidential election will be who bothers to vote; there is such disillusion and anger with politicians on both sides of the field.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 24, 2011 A journalist remembers those who died for press freedom in South Africa, as it embraces censorship
South Africa's new Protection of State Information law allows the state to classify documents as secret in "the national interest" - which has a broad definition. Citizens and journalists found in possession of such documents would be treated as "foreign spies' and would face up to 25 years in jail. There can be no defense of "acting in the public interest.'
(11 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 24, 2011 Why is Obama failing to protect the First Amendment? As Occupy attacks continue
As president, Obama should be the primary defender of the Constitution, yet he remains silent as violent police actions against peaceful protestors take place. A friend wrote from London after the raid on Zuccotti Park in New York to evict Occupy Wall Street protestors: "Seems like the U.S. police are resorting to measures more reminiscent of a dictatorship."
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, September 2, 2011 Prescription drugs kill cocaine and make Pharma Bigger
27,000 Americans are dying every year because of prescription drug overdoses – a far higher toll than ever caused by illegal drugs. Almost as many Americans die in a single month of prescription drug overdoses than the toll in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.