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Raymond Dubuque

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I'm retired now, but for the past 16 years I've been using my two careers (as a clergyman and then a pro in Information Technologies) to promote the truth about the founder of Christianity over the www: J C was the ultimate LIBERAL, which means that his followers should be liberals as well. See http://LiberalsLikeChrist.Org/.

Google "Republican corruption" and you'll see that my JesusNoRepublican.Org site is one of the country's leading internet exposes of the GOP "culture of corruption".

In early 2010 I decided to remove the many secular articles I had formerly published in my "LiberalslikeChrist" site to a new entirely secular site called Great-Liberal-Insights.org. I'm still convinced that secular liberals and religious liberals need to discover one another, and succeed at defeating "the right" by working together. But I'm now trying to promote that objective with TWO, rather than one, website tools.


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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, March 12, 2010
"Non-partisanship" is Un-American ! "Non-partisanship" is Un-American ! Why is just about everyone who talks about "partisanship" these days buying into the idea that there's something wrong with it? It's the American way, for God's sake! It's just another word for "competition"! Competition in politics is good for America, for the same reason that it's good in so many other areas of our lives. We need more of it, not less!

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