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Joe Kishore is the current National Secretary for the U.S. of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) which is a Trotskyist political party, one of several Socialist Equality Parties around the world affiliated to the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI). The ICFI publishes daily news articles, perspectives and commentaries on the World Socialist Web Site, www.wsws.org.
SHARE Monday, February 15, 2021 Republicans acquit coup plotter Trump after Democrats refuse to call witnesses
The Senate voted Saturday to acquit former President Donald Trump on charges stem from the January 6 coup attempt in which Trump org impeachment charges of incitement of insurrection. The charges stem from the January 6 coup attempt in which Trump organized a violent mob to storm the US Capitol with the aim of overturning the 2020 presidential election.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 16, 2017 Opposition mounts to sexual harassment witch-hunt
The sexual harassment campaign is right-wing, anti-democratic and politically reactionary. It has nothing to do with the interests of the workers, men or women. The opposition to the Trump administration and the entire political establishment must be developed as an independent movement of the working class directed consciously against capitalism and all the horrors this system brings.
SHARE Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Hurricane Harvey three months on: Tens of thousands still homeless from worst natural disaster in US history
The main domestic priority of the ruling class is to pass a massive tax cut for the corporations and the wealthy, currently being fast-tracked through Congress. The devastation wrought by Harvey will have its impact in other ways, feeding into a growing mood of anger and opposition that has revolutionary implications.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 26, 2017 The crisis in the Republican Party and the fracturing of the American two-party system
A political crisis on the scale engulfing Washington is a hallmark of a pre-revolutionary situation. Social explosions are on the horizon. The critical task for the working class is to advance its own, independent solution to the crisis and not allow itself to be dragged behind any faction of the ruling elite.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, October 9, 2017 Trump's threats against North Korea signify real danger of war
The outbreak of war between North Korea and the United States would inevitably involve China, which, in turn, would draw all of Asia, as well as Australia, into the bloody maelstrom. Nor would it be possible for Europe and Latin America, which have their own interests in Asia, to stand aside.
(1 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 17, 2017 Democrats seek to prop up Trump's crisis-ridden government
Beyond immigration policy, there are broader political issues involved in the Democrats' embrace of Trump. The moves by the Democrats to solidarize themselves with Trump are aimed at stabilizing the government and the two-party system as a whole, the better to intensify the assault on the working class and prepare for a major war.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 3, 2017 Who will pay for the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey?
The official death toll for the storm increased to 46 on Friday, though this figure is expected to rise in the coming days. As many as one million people have been displaced by the floods, turned into internal refugees. The number of flooded structures is estimated at 136,000 just in Harris County, which includes Houston, the fourth-largest city in the country.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 28, 2017 Week one of the Trump administration: A government of war and social reaction
Trump's absurd posturing as a defender of the "forgotten man" will, sooner rather than later, give rise to bitter class conflict as the impact of the new administration's policy are felt. It is to the broad mass of the working class that socialists must now turn, and, through systematic organization and education, forge a political leadership to prepare for the struggles on the horizon.
SHARE Thursday, December 15, 2016 New York Times' narrative of Russian hacking: War propaganda in the guise of news
The basic problem the Times and the American media are seeking to overcome is the absence of any significant popular support for war, let alone war with the country possessing the second-largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Popular opposition is to be countered through a McCarthyite-style campaign of lies, with all opposition branded tantamount to treason.
(5 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 1, 2016 President-elect Trump on flag-burning: The crisis of American democracy
The proposal that punishment for a crime-or the exercise of free speech-should be the removal of citizenship is a proposal to eliminate all constitutional protections. It is a statement of arbitrary executive power. It is also in line with the raft of anti-democratic proposals coming from Trump: the resumption of torture, a national registry for Muslims, the removal of all constraints on domestic spying and other measures.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, November 21, 2016 Trump's authoritarian government of nationalism and war
The coming period will be one of immense shocks and political upheavals. Trump's economic policies, financed by ever greater levels of debt, combined with massive tax cuts for the rich and cuts in social programs, will produce economic chaos and class conflict. They will not resolve the intractable contradictions of American and world capitalism.
(4 comments) SHARE Thursday, March 12, 2015 The paramilitary occupation of America
It is necessary to call things by their right names. The obscene regularity of police murders in the United States has reached the point where it is appropriate to speak of the police as an occupying army, whose daily violence and brutality can best be described as a war against the country's poor and working people.
SHARE Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Ten Years Since The Global Protests Against War In Iraq
The mass sentiment that erupted 10 years ago has not gone away. But the organizations that largely led these protests have worked to smother this sentiment and direct it back into the political establishment. In the US where, through the Obama administration, liberal and "left" forces have not only reconciled themselves to imperialism, but have become some of its most fervent proponents.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 7, 2013 The Death Rattle of American Democracy
Acceptance of assassination, torture, indefinite detention & organizations such as the NSA & CIA are incompatible with democracy or any state dedicated to the rule of law.