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Muhammad Khurshid

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Muhammad Khurshid, a resident of Bajaur District, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is journalist by profession. He contributes articles and news stories to various online and print newspapers. His subject matter is terrorism. He is also heading Voice For Peace working against terrorism in tribal areas. The aim of the Voice For Peace is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency, tribal areas and whole world. He is looking for freelance and correspondent work from media organizations, to cover the part of the world where Al Qaeda and the Taliban are most active.


OpEd News Member for 986 week(s) and 5 day(s)

444 Articles, 40 Quick Links, 248 Comments, 357 Diaries, 0 Polls

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356 Diaries

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       Monday, February 2, 2015
Salaam My Dear Friends
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Now I have the rich experiences as I have been leading life in the war zone. Actually I have remained ill and terrified during last few months so I have remained absent from the Opednews.com. During my struggle for survive I have always remembered my friends in the Opednews.com.
(1 comments)        Wednesday, April 30, 2014
My Life Is In Real Danger
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At the moment I am just needing to be relocated as my life is in real danger. I am facing various threats to my life.
       Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Can US survive without Pakistan's support?
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There will be no denying the fact that Pakistan is the base being used by rulers of United States for their corruption.
(2 comments)        Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Corrupt Pakistani Rulers Using War For Earning Dollars
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Now this is clear to all and sundry that corrupt Pakistani rulers have been using war for earning dollars.
       Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I Want To Establish A Model Muslim State
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Nowadays I have been writing letters to my friends in various networks. I want to share one of my letters with you.
(2 comments)        Monday, February 27, 2012
I Love OEN As It Is Still My Home
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Though I remained absent from OEN for a long time, but I have never forget it as it has played a very important role in my life. When the whole world abandoned me the OEN has given me a helping hand.
       Wednesday, June 1, 2011
I Want To Build A State Where There Will Be Justice
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Actually nowadays I have been trying to establish a state where all people will enjoy all rights. In this proposed state people will be provided justice at their door step.
(1 comments)        Monday, May 30, 2011
I Love To Be Loved
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Since I came to my sense I have been trying to be loved by the whole world. But the more I try to get love the more I get the hate. Still I love the hate as I want to be loved by hate.
(1 comments)        Saturday, May 28, 2011
Whether We Are Good Or Bad?
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So far I have not yet come to the conclusion that whether I am good or bad. Actually there is fighting inside my body since my creation between the two forces; good and bad. I do not know what will be the result of this fighting. Whether good will be victorious or bad will win at the end?
       Friday, May 27, 2011
For Whom I Have Been Working?
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Actually I have been facing a dilemma in my life as my own people hate me because they think that I have been working for the United States while Americans hate me because they think I have been working for terrorists. For whom I have been working?
       Friday, May 27, 2011
Can This World Become One State?
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Now this is my desire to become the citizen of World State. Actually further division of the world will cause further death and destruction.
(1 comments)        Thursday, May 26, 2011
If I Am Crying It Means I Am Feeling Pain
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So many times I have made hue and cry and this is still unclear to me whether I have been doing it right or wrong.
       Thursday, May 26, 2011
Provision Of Justice Is Must For Saving This World
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If we have a system of justice in the world then we can survive otherwise our survival will be at stake. I have covered the war on terrorism from a very close distance. The main reason for deaths and destruction in the world is the denial of justice.
(2 comments)        Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Can I tell the lie in extreme condition?
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Is there any justification for telling the lie or adopting some professions, which are not being considered good in the society? But still I shall insist that I can create a story based on lie, but written with a purpose.
(1 comments)        Tuesday, May 24, 2011
My Children Need Bread Not Atom Bomb
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I have been living in the most vulnerable class and this is the reason that I can claim that I am opening the hearts and minds of the poor, who are in majority in Pakistan. Actually majority of Pakistanis want peace instead of nuclear weapons.
(2 comments)        Monday, May 23, 2011
Am I Good Comedian?
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One of my friends has told me that I am look like a good comedian. This is really a good news for me as at least I have been bringing smile on the faces of my friends. Actually I have been using my blood during the writing, but still I am look like comedian. Now I am satisfied that I have been contributing something.
       Saturday, May 21, 2011
Can Civilized World Anwser My Questions?
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I want to ask a few questions from the civilized world with the hope that I shall get the answers. I think no one can give me the answer and as usual I shall be subjected to further harassment. Actually I have spent last few years in great harassment and terror when I started speaking the truth.
       Saturday, May 14, 2011
I Shall Write A Million Dollars Story, But When!
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I have been writing in OpEdNews.com for the last several years, but so far I have not created the story, which I want to create. Actually I always remain in hurry and this is the reason that there is no effect in my story. But now I want to create that story.
(2 comments)        Friday, May 6, 2011
Congratuation Americans! You Have Done A Great Job
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Today I just want to congratulate all the Americans as it is their effort that now there is chance of lasting peace in the whole world. The death of Osama bin Laden is really a great news for the whole world.
(1 comments)        Tuesday, February 22, 2011
This Whole War On Terror Is False
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Now I am a certain that this whole war on terror is false. The character of Osama bin Laden is false created by some people for earning money. Some officials within the United States have been using this name for terrorising the people. My name has also included in the list of terrorists, which seems to me ridiculous.

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       Monday, August 20, 2007
Pakistani Society Divided Into Classes
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Pakistani society is divided in two classes: one is the extreme rich and the other are extreme poor. All the newspapers and TVs are under the control of the rich class, therefore, there is no representation of the poor in the media.

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