OpEd News Member for 870 week(s) and 4 day(s)
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13 Diaries
Friday, February 25, 2011
Official! The Police no longer need a warrant! SHARE It took me two years to finally send this article. I was afraid, afraid of the police and other authorities. It is now official, the Police no longer need a warrant to enter your home and look through your things, hoping to find something to incriminate you.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Fighting extremists who will take away our freedom SHARE I'm not talking about religious fanatics, extreme right republicans or conservatives, suicide bombers, who will destroy all that we stand for. There are other extremists we need to fight against. They are brainless, you could not hope to make them understand reason, they're a real threat. There's a need to fight these extremists fighting against cruelty for children, animals and the environment. They've crossed the line...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Creating The Global Nonprofit Corporation, The Ultimate Cooperative SHARE At the end of my last article about the future of humankind as either being a Utopia or an Idiocracy, I stated that if we do not in parallel of those who are in power build our own institutions for humankind, we will never even get a glimpse of what this world could truly be like. It got me thinking about creating a global nonprofit corporation, the ultimate cooperative.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
So easily you will lose your social status SHARE I work in a criminal court, this is the best place to observe all in one go the different levels of social status. It goes from the lowest to the highest all in one day, in any court. I was able to identify with all these players in this great game of judging and punishing citizens for the slightest misconduct. So easily all of them can lose their social status overnight, you would not believe. Next case I call might be you.
Friday, May 22, 2009
As your leader I swear to abuse all my powers SHARE I don't have much power in this world
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Christ father, is the meaning of life to kill all Muslims? SHARE I asked my Mentor what value I should put on one's life. I asked my Mentor what meaning I should give to my life. You must have asked yourself the same questions recently, or else, are you sure you are worthy of being such a good Citizen, such a good Christian? Would you like to know what my Mentor told me? You are dying to find out, as we are dying to find answers to these questions. Well he told me... nothing, as I have no mentor. I am my own master.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Teaching Creation or Evolution? Or Both? SHARE When I lived in Los Angeles, there was this huge national debate about what to teach those children in school all over America: creation or evolution? It seemed that there was no place for both, as if we could not trust our children to make their own mind about it. No one should choose what should be taught. Everything should be taught. This is the sign of great nations. So here is how we could teach both.
Friday, November 14, 2008
America in a deep existential crisis SHARE The bubble is burst. I understand there is not much hope around here. I'll fix this. Do you deserve to be alive? Do you believe you do make a difference in this world? That you are necessary to the happiness of everyone around you? I'm the first one to crack, I'm at the front. I am now insane! That's what you've done, that's the result of this campaign. I no longer care for what I do. I don't care to upset anyone. This is USA!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Bullying tactics of corporate hierarchies breed insanity SHARE This article is about our daily life, everything with do, everything we are. It defines one's existence from the beginning to the end, if there is such a thing in sight. What are we all about? What is it that we do, that we are? A job. How are we treated in that job? Very badly indeed. Like children, like prisoners, like animals. Well, we will have to put a stop to this corporate bullying.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wikipedia is best to bring unbiased truth to the nation, let's all update it! SHARE Whenever you do a search on Google, the first or second hit is often the Wikipedia link. What is so fantastic about Wikipedia? Well, it is an encyclopaedia, a highly complete one at that, and anyone can contribute to it. It is always changing, evolving, it tells you the news as it happens. For research and for the truth, Wikipedia is the best tool one can hope for. Let's all update it! |
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