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Michael Lee

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I consider myself an independent (sick of Democrat and Repubican corruption). I think an ideal party would be a Democratic Libertarian Party (DLP) without the corruption. Liberal in social programs but strict on Bill or Right and the Constitution.

I am a president of a small real estate investment company in Ann Arbor, MI. I also serve as a trustee for our township and worked on John Kerry's 2004 campaign (a big mistake. Did not know any better at the time). I now believe he lost the election on purpose to allow "W" and his handler to implement their neocon plan.

Seek truth by questioning everything. Far too much deceit and lies in this world. Nothing is sacred.

OpEd News Member for 827 week(s) and 6 day(s)

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(3 comments)        Saturday, January 16, 2010
Obama staffer wants "cognitive infiltration' of 9/11 conspiracy groups
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Obama's War on 9/11 Truth


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