KEVIN STODA-has been blessed to have either traveled in or worked in nearly 100 countries on five continents over the past two and a half decades.--He sees himself as a peace educator and have been-- a promoter of good economic and social development--making-him an enemy of my homelands humongous DEFENSE SPENDING and its focus on using weapons to try and solve global issues.
"I am from Kansas so I also use the pseudonym 'Kansas' and 'alone' when I write and publish.- I-keep two blogs--one with BLOGGER and one with WORDPRESS.- My writings range from reviews to editorials or to travel observations.- I also make recommendations related to policy--having both a-strong background in teaching foreign languages and degrees in teaching in history and the social sciences.--As a Midwesterner, I also write on religion and living out ones faith whether it be as a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist perspective."
On my own home page, I also provide information for language learners and travelers,-
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Have you felt blacklisted or blackballed on Social Media recently? Is this abuse on the rise?are things getting better?e SHARE Russian trolls first began arguing with me on several of my blogs, including this one and my OpEdNews site. This was around 2014 when observant investigative reporters first noted them playing with progressives and conservatives trolling and picking fights with readers and authors.
Friday, May 3, 2019
THE DCCC again fails to focus on the most wasteful part of America's budget--over-expanded military SHARE In a coincidence, the day after I received a monthly DCCC-which again disappointed me, I ran into my Democratic congresswoman and raised my concerns. Over-spending on defense and military over expansion costing our infrastructural development trillions annually.
Monday, March 19, 2018
What led to My Lai & how many more have there been since 1968? SHARE Paul Cox, a veteran from Vietnam, indicates, "The vast, vast majority of GIs that went to Vietnam neither witnessed nor participated in anything such as this, although, you know, you have to say that the pilots that ran those B-52s and the guy that pushed the button that opened the bomb bay doors and dropped B-52 bombs did far more damage than any individual who looked his victims in the eye while he shot them. So, the war itself is an indictment of our country, and should be seen as such. And the air war and the artillery and the naval fire should all be seen as equally as horrendous and as criminal and as inhumane as those men that pulled the triggers in My Lai or the ones that, in my unit, that pulled the trigger on those civilians."
Monday, March 20, 2017
Kansans in District 4 Most Send a Message to Trump and the GOP SHARE It is criminal to continue the status quo in Kansas. A change in House Representation in the April Special Election in Kansas can only make the world better. Vote for a Progressive on that date, Kansans.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Here is why I voted Third Party--and here is why most of you need to vote for alternative parties this election SHARE From REAL CLEAR POLITICSREAL CLEAR POLITICS one can observe that currently the Greens are only polling between 2 and 3 percent nationally even though they appear to have the best and most progressive platform. If you decide to not vote for either the venomous Donald Trump or the toxic Hillary, you can at least show up, vote progressive, and then elect better senators, congressmen, and governors. Think of your kids.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Osman Mohammed Abu Baker's Poem SHARE We often don't take time to write of our first love--Osman, a colleague of mine did. Allow me to share Pt. 1 of this poem.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Why does an MRI cost 1500+% more in the USA than in Many Other Countries? SHARE According to 2014 Medicare data, hospitals and clinics in the USA charged are as little as $474 or as high as $13,259 for MRIs, depending on where you go.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Where were you on 30 April 1975? SHARE I was in a World History class and my 7th Grade Teacher said We'd Never Forget this Day. Where were you on 30 April 1975?
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
America Needs Real Progressives Running for President SHARE Why haven't real progressives thrown their name into the ring for president? Money is the answer. Serious progressives are needed in office more than ever, America. Go out, find them, recruit them & Support them.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
"Lives in Common": Menachem Klein on his Latest Book & Prospects for Peace in Israel/Palestine SHARE Once upon a time, Jews and Arabs in Palestine were partners, neighbors, and friends. Israeli scholar Menachem Klein reminds us of this historical fact in Lives in Common: Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron (Hurst & Company, 2014)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
ADHD and Me (Pt. 2): Distracted-ness Leads to Hyperfoci on a Variety of Skills SHARE According to the Mayo Clinic, people with ADHD often:
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Darren Wilson Revealed himself to be Psychologically Out-of-Touch with Reality in his ABC Interview SHARE After pondering the fantasy involved involved in the world according to policemen, like Darren Wilson, I'd like to make a literary comparison and recommend that better psychological profiling of potential officers be undertaken.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
BBC asks' "Did a Prayer Meeting Bring Down the Wall? SHARE "Did a Prayer Meeting Bring Down the Wall? The roll of the church and the role of the environmental movement in East Germany have been ignored by North American and European historians for too long. It is good that at least the BBC has caught on.
Monday, September 15, 2014
There are some Omanis who are hardworking--I just met one SHARE Too often, we generalize about Arabs, Gulf Arabs, Muslims and others. I share this anecdote in order to make clear that living in other countries enables Americans to distinguish between image and realities--or between generalities and particulars. I encourage others working abroad to share about the places they live and work.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Learn about our Omani Students & Changes in Oman through their writings SHARE What do you know about Oman? It is considered one of the fastest developing countries in the world over the past 40 years. One way we teachers learn is through the narrations of our own students here in Oman.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
The Long-Term Unemployment Crisis Is as Bad as Ever SHARE A lot of Americans are still forced to (1) retire or (2) go abroad because the USA economy is still run by short-sighted thinkers, leaders and profiteers. This article by Ben Casselman makes important points for progressives this election year.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Who would like to see a Bernie Sanders and Jesse Ventura Ticket for USA President in 2016? SHARE I think that a ticket that got both progressives and someone across the aisle that is a social liberal would be great for America in 2016.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
DN: American Policy in Eastern Europe, the Ukraine, and Russia is Wrong from the begining SHARE A lot of NATO, especially those in USA, Germany and Eastern Europe, are running us into a war. The following is a selection from an interview on Democracy Now with Stephen Cohen. Why are we not backing off? Russia has all the cards--even our state department recognizes this
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Will Wichita Eagle-Beacon Support a Progressive Republican Senator? SHARE Here I am working in Oman because so many Kochites and misinformed Republicans have kept Pat Roberts and his cronies in Congress for so long that the state's economy has been messed up for decades--and will continue to be so messed up--unless progressives--of whatever party--take over.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
On the 25th Anniversary of the Collapse of Communist Regimes in Many Parts of Europe SHARE As the USAs investigative and information agencies remind us more and more about what life was like in Communist Central and Eastern Europe prior to 1989, I am preparing to write more about how to connect the past and present--while also tearing down some myths about the past that are already in too many textbooks. Page 1 of 26 First Last Back Next 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 View All |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
America Needs Real Progressives Running for President SHARE Why haven't real progressives thrown their name into the ring for president? Money is the answer. Serious progressives are needed in office more than ever, America. Go out, find them, recruit them & Support them.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Here are Jon Stewart and Warren Buffet's spin on CLASS WARFARE IN AMERICA SHARE "...we're going to kick 57,000 poor children out of Head Start, which means we're going to narrow their economic futures and make all of us worse off in the future. We're cutting a billion-and-a-half dollars from medical research to save lives"
Sunday, September 2, 2012
My Worst Jeepney Ride--to date SHARE Jeepneys are a national symbol of the Philippines. Sometimes they bring travelers good memories. Sometimes they are nightmares. |