The Movie, Day After Tomorrow, is a Blockbuster, Great Entertainment Winner; It's projected to Top $100 million this weekend and even better, it could hurt Bush
by Rob Kall
Directed by Roland Emmerich, the director of Independence Day (1996), this film keeps you on the edge of your seat and takes you through a sweet roller-coaster ride of emotion. It's first rate entertainment with great acting and a solid script that tweaks all the rules of good film-making.
So why is it getting bad reviews? Because there is a political message here. It makes it clear without specifically referring to the Bush administration that they are total buttheads--- fools who choose to ignore science in favor of either business or religion. If you don't like Bush and Cheney going in, you will like them even less going out. If you're not decided, this movie could swing you around to see that these fools are tampering with big stuff, really big stuff of global proportions.
There's some criticism of the science behind this. Okay. That's fine. it's a movie. But actually the science behind it in general is accurate and there is the possibility that this flick shows a possible scenario if global warming goes un-responded to. Some of the predicted weather events may be unlikely, but overall, the story, as entertainment hangs together great-- certainly as well as or better than Independence Day, Volcano or other disaster movies.
It's a movie that takes you on an emotional ride, more than you might expect. There was even a moment where tears came to my eyes. This may have been because I am so passionate politically and it touched me to think what total a**holes the right wingers are in terms of the risks they are taking with the planet and humanity.
The story is about the severe, global effects of adverse weather, climatic and oceanic changes, all set off by global warming. There's a message, but it is woven beautifully in to tightly meshed scenes that keep your attention glued to the screen. Top it off with good characters and relationships and you have all the ingredients for success. Like Independence Day, this movie leaves you feeling like you've been through an emotional wringer by the time you're done. I had to do some shopping in a supermarket and kept getting this feeling like I had to buy "supplies" to prepare for something like a hurricane. The movie has a kick, and it leaves you with some strong feelings. I think that's the reason it has received some negative reviews.
This movie could make a difference. All it needs to do is tilt a fraction of a percent of the voters away from the current failures and criminals in the White House and it will have done its job. Getting strong ratings will make it more likely that more people will go to see it. Support this movie. Help it build up impressive stats right away so there's a rush by all kinds of people to see it. It's a great flick to start with, so you can't go wrong.. and maybe it will help furn the tide.
Rob Kall is editor/founder of This article is copyright Rob Kall and originally published by but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog or web media so long as this credit paragraph is attached. Over 100 other articles by Rob Kall including a series of articles on the need for progressive policy promotion think tanks.
a letter from a reader, and my intemperate response:
After reading your article, I must say that you have to be one of the most ignorant people on the planet. I'd take time to explain to you why, but you're not smart enough to get it anyway. Lord help us if the world is filled with morons like you!!!
Scott (wood)
Dallas , Texas
My Response
Frankly, your note does indicate one iota of intelligence. Tell me about your self. You already start with some minuses, coming from Texas . Dallas is one city I've been to once and would not re-visit. Living there is one clear sign of stupidity or not knowing any better.
So, are you a fundamentalist Christian waiting for the rapture or hating abortion-rights supporters, an ignorant red-neck who feels so inadequate he needs the Republican hate program to feel better about himself, or a business major who would sell his soul, humanity and the planet for a tax-break and a ten cent discount on gasoline? Or a combination of these?
And by the way, what pissed you off about my article?