Would you save a life if you knew it would give the devil more power to do evil?
Would you stop a killer if you knew that your action would cause someone else to be tortured or killed.
Would you allow a bully to beat up and rip off weaker people over and over again for years?
These are the questions the tens of millions of primarily born-again Baptist and Protestant Christians and Catholics are not being asked. They balance the support of Bush against his use lies and fraud to start war, his huge history of executions, and the growing proof he was deeply in the torture loop.
These are the kinds of considerations these millions of mislead, well-intentioned, good-hearted people should be facing. But their leaders have failed them morally, leading them to unknowingly make a deal with the devil, so they support the closest thing to the antiChrist this planet has ever seen.
The leaders, including Jerry Fallwell, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Reverend Sun Myung Moon (owner of Washington Times) and too many Catholic Bishops, advise their "flocks" to support the Republican party, for several reasons:
-Its anti-abortion stance
-Its efforts to destroy the church state barriers, so churches are given money and religion is allowed to permeate all aspects of government..
-Its efforts to virtually wipe out the public school system, which teaches children to think independently rather than accepting scripture literally.
-Its posture in the culture wars it has created-- gay issues, victimless crimes...
These leaders are doing their damnedest to divide the country, to destroy the respect people used to have for religious rights, for privacy rights. They have turned our country into a seething battleground that is closer now to the civil war than any time int he last 100+ years. They preach hate and intolerance and use fear and xenophobia. Their self-righteous judgements of others with different faiths and lifestyles claim to be based on the words of Jesus. But these are demonic, evil, gross distortions and twisted, sick interpretations.
There 's no doubt that these shills for the devil will go straight to hell, but one has to wonder if they simple-minded innocents they fool will also be dragged down into the depths of hell, or if they 'll be forgiven. Every "good Christian" who votes for Bush is signing a pact with the devil, and helping his demonic bishops do their evil trickery, destroying American democracy, dividing the American people and sowing the seeds of hate and destruction, enabling George W. Bush, the closest thing to an antichrist that the world has ever seen.
If you are reading this and mocking the ideas of the devil and hell and demonic action, that 's okay. You don 't have to believe in it to believe that there are millions who do. They are walking in hypnotized trances, deluded and diabolically misled by the devils Bishops. Send this to the people you know who are under the spell of these vile demons inspired by hell who pretend they are pious and preaching the words of Jesus. Get them thinking about how they have been betrayed and misled, how they are being led down the devil 's pathway. It 's not too late for them to save themselves or to save America. George W. Bush wants them to give him another four years so he can run rampant with more lies, more murders more torture. If they give him what he wants, not only their souls will be lost, but also the soul of America.
This battle with the Devils Bishops is a work in progress. Suggestions of additional Christian leaders working for the devil, leading masses of people in support of Bush are invited.
Rob Kall rob@opednews.com is publisher of progressive news and opinion website www.opednews.com and organizer of cutting edge meetings that bring together world leaders, such as the Winter Brain Meeting and the StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story This article is copyright Rob Kall and originally published by opednews.com but permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog or web media so long as this credit paragraph is attached. Over 100 other articles by Rob Kall
Other articles covering the idea of Bush as Anti-Christ
Pope fears Bush is antichrist, journalist
Nice Guy or Devil's Spawn; I submit that George Walker Bush is the ANTI-CHRIST !
A Serious Letter from a Reader, and Serious Replies
From Steve Steffy
I can read your passion on this subject. Usually your thoughts are well written and explained to their fullest. But this is not your finest article. By now, you know I am a Christian and enjoy debate and differing opinions. In response to your comments:
I believe supporting anyone who agrees with abortion supports the murder of a living being that will eventually become a person. The act of extinguishing life, whether it is in the womb or out of it, is murder.
Where, or what, is Bush 's
huge history of execution? I
have not heard of them, but since you are challenging me to vote
against this leader, please give details.
Kall] As governor of Texas he presided over more than 170
executions, more than any other governor. He would joke about
President Bush used lies
to start a war. I am not
sure I completely agree, but I understand where that is coming from,
but what were the reasons for Kosovo and to a lesser extent,
? Are not all preemptive
acts of aggression wrong?
Kall] I don't know enough about those battles, but my impression
was that, like WWII, wars had already started, and that a full war
wasn't started there. It is generally acknowledged that Bush was the
first in American history to start a pre-emptive war. Now we know all
his excuses were based on lies.
President Bush probably knew about the tortures, even that I will not disagree. The measures by which the prisoners were being tortured is a different matter. To an obviously much lesser degree, that is like the president of the NCAA knowing that collegiate athletes gambled, but not to the extent that approximately 25% of them would admit to changing the outcome of games. Yes, there should be accountability and hopefully there will be, but again what do you propose and at what level?
Kall] Bush sought out lawyers who created a position that put him
above the law. Then he setup bestial policies. Then those policies
allowed thousands of innocent people, randomly picked up on the street
to be tortured. Runmsfeld purposely hid prisoners fromt he Red Cross.
These were clear efforts to ignore our laws. If the American approve
of torture, let them vote to approve it. Would YOU support it? I'd
probably go along with changes in temperature, bright lights, loud
music and noise... but I have to remember that anything I'd approve of
using on potential sources of information, I should expect the enemy
to use on our soldiers.
is a clash of cultural ideas. What
is a victimless crime?
Kall] Sexual activity between consenting adults, use of drugs,
for starters. You might consider the sex perverted and the drug use
stupid, risky or foolish, but it is no more and possibly less
dangerous than alcohol use or cigarette smoking-- both addictive and
gay issues are you talking about?
(Question, if the gay community wants their actions behind
closed doors to remain there without consequence, then why do I know
they are gay?) Would you
know I was a Christian if I had not stated it?
Religion teaches that there is a right and wrong.
From Muslims to Jews to Christians, there are standards set, a
moral compass for right and wrong.
Is that what you mean by intolerant?
Since it sounds like you believe there are acceptable levels of
allowable deviant behavior, what are those levels?
Why is it all right for the gay community to publicly state
their ideas for behavior, but not religious leaders?
There in lies the war, who does and who does not get to speak.
President Clinton passed in to law the definition of marriage
now that President Bush wants to maintain that definition, he is the
one who is wrong.
Kall] YOu don't know who is gay in another city or state.
IT's fine for religion to teach right from wrong and followers of any
religion to follow such teaching, so long as they do not force them on
others. Religious leaders don't just publicly state their ideas, they
encourage political action that supports politicians who will FORCE
their ideas on others. That is against the teachings of most founders
of religions.
The public school system
is wiped out? In three
years, the entire country 's public school system is wiped out?
That is too outlandish for even you to believe.
How has one President wiped out the school system, when in most
cases they are run at the state level?
The public school system is not in shambles because of
government, but because of societal indifference.
(The state of
is figuring out how they are going to pay the owner of the NFL 's New
Orleans Saints $15 million dollars, yet there seems to be no one who
thinks that there is at least one organization more worthy than that
football team. Give some outrage on that please.)
My wife teaches, and I see story after story of parents who
drop kids off an hour before school starts and are still there up to
two hours after school ends. (In most cases, the school system now
must provide something for these kids to do.)
The average private school in our area is around $6,000 per
year. Can you imagine if
parents put a combined $6,000 of time and money back in to the public
school system?
[Rob Kall] I mean that Bush and fundamentalist Christians want to wipe out and totally eliminate public school, not that they have done so. The public school system has inner city, and impoverished areas where the schools are not turning out well-educated kids. That's partly because of imbalanced funding and partly because of the parents. Private schools skim the cream from the public schools and don't take, refuse to take the kids who are difficult. 99% of voucher money is used to send kids to religious schools. $6000 for a private school is cheap. It's a lot more where I live, but then again, I haven't looked into Catholic schools or fundamentalist schools. They might be cheaper, since they don't use teachers with the same level of credentials that the public schools use.
You do not want me to vote for President Bush and you allege some serious offenses. It is your turn to give me the documentation you have asked from me when I made allegations that opposed your views in the past. You have my attention and ears, please provide the data, not more opinions.
[Rob Kall] You've acknowledged what a liar Bush is. That's a good start. It's not as simple as voting with the guy who matches your stand on abortion. I wish the world was that simple. Bush has killed thousands of Iraqis and we now know his reasons were lies-- lies that Bush and Cheney keep telling in spite of glaring proof. They think you're stupid or already sold by their stand on the cultural issues and they take your vote for granted. You've acknowledged a lof of lies of lot of evil. How much do you need to see and how hard does it have to slap you in the face for you to realize that the when you add up Bush and you add up Kerry, Bush comes out far worse, comes out evil. You know, in nature, murder is accepted. Carnivores eat their prey. Are you a vegetarian? If you're not it is because you have taken a grey area and drawn a line, deciding that terminating embros and fetuses is murder. But it's an arbitrary line. You could be more extreme and say that masturbation is killing sperm. You could go the other way and take the spartan position that unhealthy newborns should die. These are both extreme positions. But for billions of people on this planet, your position on abortion is extreme and shows no respect for women's rights. Of course there is a long history of not showing women respect for their rights. And most of the cultures that take this misogynist posture are backwards.