Malls have replaced the streets as places where the masses go, particularly in the suburbs.
What about organizing protests and other actions at malls? Not necessarily anything involving civil disobedience, but rather, scheduling people with signage, leaflets, etc.
Mass assemblages are good. They convey powerful messages, but it is time a continuous presence declaring opposition to the war and the Bush Crime Regime.
Huge mallsand Subways make the most sense. It is likely that the corporate owners of these malls and subways will attempt to block access. It will be necessary to fight this in the courts.
But the malls and subways are the contemporary common grounds commercial town meeting place of the masses. We have a right to be there and should be.
One way to do it might be to wear Tee Shirts with the Messages we seek to convey. If Four or five people wear the same shirts (probably red white and blue, to counter right wingers who claim opposition to war is unpatriotic) they will stand out. Imagine a shirt that says:
Anti Bush
Ask Why
What Do You Think?
This is low tech, high touch. People doing this work should expect a lot of animosity. They'll need to be able to reply like saints, with love and compassion, not reacting to the mean spirited gibes like so many right wingers, coached by hate mongers like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.