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We share a Dream, the Election of Barack Obama

Brian Lynch
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Barack Obama's election ushers in the dawn of a new season in our nation.

It fulfills a dream of Dr. Martin Luther King that one day in
America a person will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character. 

It reaffirms that two-hundred-thirty years of grassroots democracy in
yet lives in the hearts and minds of her people.

It marks the passage of John F. Kennedy's torch to yet a new generation.
It represents the opening of William Clinton's bridge to this new millennium.

It renews our perennial obligation to build a more perfect union based on the founding ideals we all share rather than the petty distinctions we can exploit.

It is a time to live, a time to laugh, a time to build, a time to heal, a time to sow and a time for every purpose under heaven.

I am so grateful to be associated with so many citizens of every strip who have worked so hard, endured so much and, in personal ways, changed themselves in order to turn this nation back onto its historic course among nations.  On election night my children, and young people all across this nation, got their first real taste of what "
" really means.
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Brian Lynch is a retired social worker who worked in the areas of adult mental health and child protection for many years. His work brought him into direct contact with all the major social issues of the day and many of our basic social (more...)

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