I was so happy to see the Obama’s meeting with the Bush’s with a sense of, “now is the time to leave behind all the political posturing and move our country forward”. I am fully aware that one can say, “Just political theater” and it means nothing. But I choose to believe we have turned a new page and so do millions of Americans and millions around the world. This remarkable man, being elected to the highest office in the land, when only four short years ago he was unknown; who else in Congress has been raised by a single mom, never knew his father, saw his mom have to use food stamps, re-marry and leave him to be raised by his grandparents? Certainly one can say he was raised in the heart of the furnace roar and hammered out on a steel anvil, so beneath that smile there is immense strength. Have you noticed how many times people have used the term “He looks so presidential”?
He has that ability to know first hand, how it is to struggle, to be from a mixed marriage, and yet he was able to graduate from one of the most prestigious schools in the world, at the top of his class. When I look into to his face, I can see some of Gandhi, the hope, determination, and the willingness to never stop seeking justice. Gandhi, also a lawyer, who was willing to starve himself to obtain freedom------that is power. Who in Congress can stand that tall? Barack Obama may not equal Gandhi, or Dr. King, but he would be in good company. So let the nay Sayers put forth their small arguments, the cynics offer their usual, the weak of mind their ugliness, and the rest of us will keep our faith.