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Wife stabs husband, gets custody of children

Steven G. Erickson
Message Steven G. Erickson

Chris Kennedy helped design the F-35 fighter jet.


His wife stabbed him about 5 years ago. While Leanne Putnam was awaiting her days in court for felony assault, she was awarded sole custody of their 3 children, allegedly by Rockville Superior Court Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan in Connecticut. Abuse of Fathers and their children in courts is not uncommon.


Chris Kennedy then lodged complaints against Judge Kaplan and other judges. The retaliation began, where he would have less, to no access, to his own children. His saga has been going on for about 5 years. After Chris lodged complaints, the charges were dropped against his ex-wife, and Chris Kennedy became the target of an out of control Judge, Jonathan J. Kaplan. Complaints Chris had lodged were put in his “secret, sealed folder” for other judges to see and to likewise help retaliate.


Chris Kennedy has violated no laws, isn’t on probation, and is a good Father. Children suffer when they are denied being able to see a parent they want to see and have regular family contact with. [click here for pictures, videos, and more information]


After Christopher Kennedy of Ellington Connecticut contacted Governor Rell’s legal staffer, Kevin Rasch, about the Judicial and State Police Misconduct in the State of Connecticut, Kennedy was promptly arrested and faced 30 years in prison for having accidentally checked the wrong box in a court financial form. [click here for more information, scroll down]


Chris’ ex-wife can reschedule court dates, have them at her convenience, and can ignore pretty much all court orders and isn’t held in contempt of court! Chris’ motions are denied without even being read. There are countless delays and an “agenda” can be observed. Cases are rigged and there is overt bias.


Getting a divorce might mean a father loses his small business and might be order to pay more per week than is netted. Not being able to pay more than you make might mean being sent to jail.


Leanne Putnam’s lawyer for most of the child custody and divorce proceedings were allegedly linked to law partners, or their firm, to Congressman Joe Courtney. Judge Jonathan Kaplan and Joe Courtney allegedly have personal ties.


Judges make federal dollars for a state by breaking up families and abusing citizens. [OpEd piece] Check out links to former Governor John G. Rowland and DCF head Kristine Regaglia. They took bribes and the Mob allegedly was going to build, run, and supply a national franchise of “Kiddie Max” prison system for children.


Bill Cosby recently spoke at the Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut on the subject of Fatherhood and Fatherlessness. [videos and pictures] Scroll down for videos and video links.


Breaking up families might help states out financially in the short run in Federal Tax Dollars coming in, but it is harming the economy, families, children, and the quality of life of all Americans.


Silence signifies acceptance


-Steven G. Erickson



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Steven G. Erickson is a freelance cameraman, blogger, photographer, documentary producer, screenwriter, sometimes journalist, and can and will travel anywhere if the terms are right. His objective is to reform America's courts, creating a "People's (more...)
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