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If Gay People Were Straight With Us

Message Greg Mucha

If gay people were honest – straight with us, if you will – they would have to admit that God hates them.  Gay sex is at least weird, often times extremely gross and it is constantly on the minds of every heterosexual human being whether they are Christian or atheist.  These are, after all, the only two legitimate religious positions anywhere in the known universe – honest people know that – and sex drives both of these religious positions to distraction, especially the atheists.  After all, what else is there to do on Sunday if you’re not sitting in church?

The part about the above paragraph that absolutely slays me is that there are actually people – our President-elect could well be among them – who actually believe the preceding paragraph is essentially accurate and honest.  WTF?

These and a few other facts are what lead me to conclude at the tender age of twelve that William F. Buckley was full of crap and hid his little ideas behind arcane, polysyllabic language.  Had I been the man I am today and on the set where Buckley threatened Gore Vidal with a sound drubbing, I believe I would have attacked the lizard-faced prude just because I like the sound of the facial bones of ignorant gnaves cracking under my fists.

I can now say I have a whole new appreciation for why Charlton Heston’s character, George Taylor, in “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” just pushed the plunger on what was left of the human race.   I might even be able to coax a touch of empathy for those sociopathic elites who have been cheerleading the Bush Family for lo these past sixty years. 

The fact is that not all human problems lend themselves to political solutions.  Some, but not all, problems are simple matters of right or wrong.  If Rick Warren gets a purpose-driven seat at the table with the rest of us, why stop with his ignorant ass?  Why NOT the KKK or the American Nazi Party?  Why be so exclusive if these people are not also Americans entitled to freedom of speech? 

Oh, I get it.  Let’s pick on the fags and the lesbos, again, right?  After all, they are a minority and, by definition, deviants.

Wake.  The.  Hell.  Up.  America.

On any given day, the most statistically normal among us fudges well past the borderlands of normalcy and into deviance in at least one or two areas of our boring little lives.  Perhaps three, if we want to make a holiday of it.

The point here is that if we allow ANY person in a position of power to oppress, repress or marginalize any minority among us, we are giving these power-hungry, barking-dog mad lunatics license to marginalize ALL of us.   And this is not a matter of a slippery slope; if these fascists have demonstrated nothing, they have shown us that slopes are not nearly as exciting as sheer cliffs.

I no longer care who hears it or takes offense – Barak Obama is a simple, homophobic bigot for even considering adding Rick Warren to the list of those honored to speak and address the American people at this most tenuous time in our nation’s history.  That Mr. President-elect continues to float this Warren character, this piece of human rubbish, under our noses, “at this critical juncture in our nation’s history,” portends less for us as a nation than we need.  We do not need political scapegoats or ignorant leaders who would direct us to oppress any minority in favor of any agenda.  The problem is now, and always has been, oppression in all its many forms and I, for one, have had about a snoot-full of it. 

Words simply do not do justice to the rage I am feeling at the thought that this smarmy, Harvard-educated bigot actually thinks, for even a picosecond, that anyone in the progressive movement worth their salt is going to tolerate having the wool pulled over its eyes by any leader, or any leadership class, any longer.

Let the war drums begin their measure, let the war-paint meet with cheeks soaked by tears; we will not rest and we will not sleep until every war criminal is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and every ignorant religious-addict is pounded into silence by a legitimate review of all matters of faith that have a basis in matters of fact. 

The facts, first, please…then, their interpretations.

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Award winning poet, writer and refugee from the educational testing industry. Richard agitates, supports and motivates activists of all kinds, the most well-known being Cindy Sheehan. Web developer and designer by day, writer by night, Richard has (more...)
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