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Act 1, Scene 1 - Line Flub 1

Tom Murphy

In the slightly altered words of President Reagan, "How can a [vice-]president not be an actor?" - click here .

And so we have witnessed, now, a flub in the lines of Act 1, Scene 1 of the new play "Hope and Change:Change and Hope". Yesterday, Elizabeth Alexander, spokeswoman for Vice President Joe Biden, cleared up a confusing moment from earlier in the Play's day.

"To be clear, President-elect Obama offered Vice President-elect Biden one job only - to be his running mate... And the vice president-elect was thrilled to accept the offer... Dr. [Jill] Biden's point to Oprah today was that being vice president would be a better fit for their family because they would get to see him more and get to participate in serving more," - click here .

Well, I KNOW I felt better after that statement. You can image how... soiled... I felt earlier in the day when Jill stated to Oprah (the Big O herself), "Joe had the choice to be secretary of state or vice president." Clearly, Jill was... mistaken... right? Joe probably had gas when he grimaced after her comment and was just whistling Dixie with the on-going festivities when he told Jill to "shhh" immediately after the grimace.

I mean, I know we've been told by Obama's people that only the most qualified have been selected, and Obama would never monkey around with positioning former presidential candidates just to placate them. Right?

Yeah... right!

Where have we read such fine wordsmith-ing before... Oh, I remember! Here's a scene from a past play that dealt with the "truth" told to the American people:

"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false, and I need to go back to work for the American people."

This was later enjoined by a no-nonsense yet artful defense of similar misconducts by the same character of that play:

"It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If 'is' means 'is and never has been' that's one thing - if it means 'there is none', that was a completely true statement."

Therefore, I'm personally relieved to see that the American people are once again being told the 'truth' with such comments as, "To be clear, President-elect Obama offered Vice President-elect Biden one job only - to be his running mate... And the vice president-elect was thrilled to accept the offer..." It is SO refreshing!

But seriously, Jill's analysis explains why Bill strongly encouraged Hillary to take the Secretary of State position, "If you're secretary of state, you'll be away, [I'll] never see you, you know."

I can't wait for "Hope and Change:Change and Hope" to unfold over the next four years!

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Wow! Has it been that long since last posting at OEN - more than two years? Apparently so! I've been busy elsewhere (e.g., Disqus: http://disqus.com/C4H4AsH/ ), but certainly not as prolific as I was previously at OEN. Well, I think I'll (more...)
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