".....Roberto Di Giorgio, head of general security for the Italian Air force commented to Italian media outlets that all 38 cases recorded by the Air Force are ones that have no immediate explanation. He stressed ‘We cannot rule out the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence (in relation to these sightings)’ although noted also that ‘We cannot prove that ETs are behind these sightings..."
"Witnesses are reporting UFO activity near U.S. military bases in Arizona and Texas this week. The Texas incident lit up both the sky and the ground as a glowing light moved toward the ground. Fighter jets were reported to have chased "two intense red lights" in Arizona...."
"....The number of UFO sightings over Britain doubled last year, the Ministry of Defense says...."
There are probably a number of reasons for the rapid increase in sightings and the rise in interest on the UFO subject. Of course, people all over the world are mistaking comets, satellites, and aircraft for UFOs. But there is little doubt that UFO awareness and sightings have increased dramatically.
First, there is the psychological reason for the UFO phenomena. When people are having difficult times in their lives they often search for something that transcends their limited experiences. Usually, people will look to religion and spirituality for the transcendent. But in today's technological and scientific age, many people are also prone to look for a more "materialistic" support, hoped for in the UFO phenomena, that possibly a civilization or a group outside of the world could somehow save humanity. In short, hard times call for an expanded way to view reality and the UFOs offer that.
Second, some of these UFOs in the sky could be ours. There has most likely been a tremendous advance in secret human technology that is not presently known about by the general public. The famous UFO hacker Gary McKinnon reported that he hacked into NASA and US defense sites to find out about UFOs. What he says he found is an American interstellar Air Force that utilizes what appears to be UFO technology. Unfortunately for McKinnon, the United States government didn't appreciate his snooping and now McKinnon faces life in prison in the US. Perhaps our technology has advanced in such a way now that the black operations of Air Force technology is now going public in a big way.
Third, it could be that the extraterrestrial or multidimensional beings have likely been visiting us for a long time are now taking a keener interest in our activities. Perhaps they are taking note that many countries of the world already possess a massive number of nukes and there is a great potential for a fantastic atomic catastrophe. Perhaps they have noted that our use of technology has been bringing about a poisoning of the planet and its creatures and they are studying us like we study animals in the wild. Perhaps they are in the process of doing their own genetic engineering using earth material. Perhaps they are planning for some grand entrance and takeover of the planet.
Finally, it could be that there are a number of these so called ETs from various planets and dimensions and some of them are working with our global government. Perhaps they, along with our present advanced secret technology, are roaming the skies and it is quite frankly getting a bit crowded up there. But if we have ET friends, then too it is entirely possible that we have ET enemies. Or at least those that aren't in agreement with our present fascist structure.
So we may have a situation in which our own star fleet, friendly ETs, and Enemy ETs are crowding the skies all over the world.
But, for me, the rise in awareness and sightings of UFO are an important aspect of our present conscious development. The concept of other beings on other worlds and in other dimensions forces us to expand our own ideas about humanity and in what direction we want to take our development. Even the Vatican recently has acknowledged that we can't rule out ET life because we can't put limits on God. According to the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, "Just as we consider earthly creatures as a brother, and sister, why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother? It would still be part of creation."
The UFO phenomena is a hopeful sign that humanity is now expanding their awareness and understanding into previously "hidden" realms of reality. It is not that the UFOs were that hidden but it is just that we have been conditioned as a society to see only certain aspects of reality. The ridicule of UFOs and the suppression of UFO reporting and evidence was part of a massive conditioning effort, I believe, by the governments of the world to close the eyes of humanity.
For many of us, the universe is rapidly revealing more of itself because we are opening our minds to it. The UFO phenomena is likely an important part of human awakening. It not only signifies an expanded awareness but it has also helped open our awareness to a previously "hidden" reality.