Fifteen years later, in 1953, when UFO's were startlingly in the news, averaging 160 reported sightings per month that demanded some governmental response, a CIA panel was convened to try and arrive at some official policy recommendation for how to deal with this growing concern. The end result of that brief but intense 4-day Robertson conference, more than a half-century ago was, as the panel itself worded it, "a broad educational program integrating efforts of all concerned agencies [with] two major aims: training and 'debunking'."
Yes, "debunking" was the word they actually used. And it became official policy, still guiding governmental attitude . . . a negative pre-judgment of anything in the least suggestive of alien/earth contact. In the context of all that's going on today, this is an arbitrary restraint and a dereliction from the promised open society, that urgently needs to be addressed.
As Suzanne Taylor, producer of a recently completed DVD on the Crop Circle phenomenon, pointed out, in responding to President Obama's open forum on what the people really want:
Taylor is part of a growing contingent of frustrated observers who contend with the head-in-the-sand official attitude just detailed. She recently channeled her own frustration into an 83-minute documentary film which so fully illustrates and details what the crop circles are actually like, that it consigns those gullible enough to accept the long-ago hoax claim (which may very well have been part of that 'debunking' process) into the likely category of fools. Fools of classic proportion, in full parity with flat-earth believers and would-be buyers of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Taylor has been invited to premiere her documentary film, titled What on Earth?: Inside the Crop Circle Mystery at the upcoming Annual Exopolitics Conference, to be convened in Gaithersburg, Maryland next weekend. This is the annual conference produced by the Paradigm Research Group to address the politics and implications of the UFO/ET issue. There is a "disclosure movement" underway which is now international and gaining momentum. See: This movement seeks nothing less than the formal acknowledgement by world governments of the extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
As Taylor points out, on her own website: Making Sense of These Times "The reality of another intelligence [than our own] would be the biggest news since Galileo.
"When we found out Earth wasn't the center of the solar system, let alone not the center of the universe, we were freed from a worldview in which our planet dominated. Our social order then couldn't hold. And, in a less than lordly light, kings gave way to democracies and we got the science that defines our modern world.
"A next leap would come if we knew there was other intelligent life. In relating to what's not ourselves, we would be one humanity, and we would have the lid off the smallness in which we gun for one another. It is reasonable that we can get to this awareness via the crop circle phenomenon, where the evidence of visitation is available to see and to study. In fact, the science that has been done on the phenomenon, and written up in peer reviewed pieces in science journals, concludes that something beyond our reality is delivering the circles to us.
"Just knowing we aren't alone would be a huge deal. However, if we established that much, there could be more. The technology of 'the other' is more advanced than ours, which we can reasonably conclude since they are visiting us and not the other way around, and what they are capable of might help us solve our great environmental problems, like oil depletion and global warming, that threaten our survival.
"So why do our visitors make crop circles instead of doing things that would be helpful to us? Maybe there needs to be a receptivity for us to get more from them. If sending circles is their hello, it makes sense to me that we'd need to respond for them to go further. I see them patiently awaiting our 'aha,' where we get it that they are out there. Then, we'd own that awareness. We could meet them, then, rather than being dominated or subjugated by them, which is an old sort of science fiction scenario."