Fellow traveler Stonefruit nailed this about 4 years ago: "Why a new civil war is inevitable in Amerikkka." I would disagree slightly... it will be a continuation of the old one... much like WWII was round 2 of WWI. It will likely be... as the last one was... a "preemptive counter revolution." The end of (what the dollies see as) "capitalism" is just as inevitable as was the end of (19th century USA's "legal") slavery. The volk who see it (the inevitable) as an end to "their way of life" (whatever THAT is... generally what they have been TOLD it is) will attempt to defend "it" to the death.
Many of us have opposed the US wars of aggression in the past decade... although you could ponder the ins-and-outs of how B*sh's "approval rating" went form 90% in October of '01 to the weak 20s. It is easy to imagine 60% of the US population saying, "...dere vere no Nazis HERE." Of course not. That still leaves 20-30% of the US population as stark-stupid unrepentant "good ol rebels." They won't be reconstructed, and they don't care a damn. You haven't heard the last of them by a long shot.
Some of us were crying in the wilderness like the White Rose shortly after the 9-11 event. The internet gives us an advantage Weisse Rose did not have. Even so, most usans- like the deutschers... sit like a row of frankfurters (or berliners- whatever) until the bombs fall on their weeny-heads... and then are truly surprised that anyone could DO such a thing... to THEM. Compartmentalization is a tough nut. My latest wet-finger demographics... 5% got a clue... some say 1%... plus 60% clueless Koyannisqatsi weenies.
That leaves about 35-39% that buy into the simulacra. And what's the difference between that and a pair o dollies? Random or camouflage? Don't matter much when the dollies start dukin it out with flame-throwers in the ammo-dump over angels on pinheads. What % of OEN would you guess is COTO (Coalition Of The Obvious)? My particular organ-note these days is look... this is fukkin SERIOUS (the war crimes). Not that it wasn't serious before... but now some of the sock-puppets is turnin over rocks... exposing more crawly-things that you always knew were there.
Hushin' this up... avoiding investigation... to keep "peace in the family" is like the Missouri Compromise... and whatever "factions" start going at each other with flamethrowers, the 1-5% COTO aint gonna be one of them. Mebbe we are like the Abolitionists... the small minority nut-cases who insisted slavery (or torture) was hosed... "realpolitik" and "triangulation" be god-damned. It was not that long ago that touching upon "9-11 was an inside job" got you banned from "left-gatekeeper" websites because such talk would alienate the "swing-voters."
Now, pointing out that there is only ONE US "party" (the MONEY partei)... that there IS NO "government," that the sock-puppets-in-suits are tools and the "elections" are Maggie Simpson's steering wheel gets you dismissed as a harmless crank. When it gets down to specifics challenging Bammo's "policies," the bannings will likely begin anew. Perhaps Bammo is a sincere sock-puppet. Perhaps he is clever enough to avoid ending up as dead as JFK. One can only hope. Meanwhile in out very real "bottom-up" world, we have to ignore the sock-puppets and get Beyond Hope.
Embrace the paradox!