I am glad to finally see the editors on Oped being "fleshed" out. Kudos
to all who work to make this site well-read and respected. However,
I am disappointed that my favorite editor is not among the group.
Where's Rady Ananda?
Of all the editors- she went the extra mile to make my simple offerings
more worthwhile. I always knew that when she read my posts that they
would be better, and I appreciated this very much because most of them
were for the animals who can not speak for themselves. Yes, there are
more eloquent voices in oped- land who speak for them and I am glad for
that, but Rady recognized that every voice - no matter how small is an
important one. If she could, she would help to promote their message.
Of course, I'm sure she recognized the gifts of other writers and edited
their work with the same kindness and excellence she did mine. So,
Rady - wherever you are I am already missing you.
My latest submission "And a Child Shall Lead" which clearly was opinion-
based (Neuter and Spay your animal companions) was relegated to the Diary
section. In my opinion- this was more then a journal entry. It was a much
needed reminder to the readers that millions of our companion animals die
each year in "shelters" because of our lack of concern. Sadly, the editor of my
piece felt it didn't deserve to be classified in the Arts and Life Section which
I selected.
Come back Rady - wherever you are! We need the heart and concern you
exhibited at this site for so long. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is missing
your kindness and hard word at this site.