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How Jim Jones killed George Moscone and Harvey Milk: the Real Story

christopher diamant
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Dear Jennifer;

         You don't remember me; but I certainly remember you; at any rate it has come to the Time when I will have to finally unburden myself as the real facts behind the murder of your father and Harvey Milk.

        I have contacted the friends of Terence Halinan and will shortly have to speak to the DA; as you may not know Sheriff Richard Hongisto used to live next door to me and my grandmother at 1520 Willard st, which proved to be rather unfortunate for Bouchard and Dutto when they arrested me there; all those years ago: the case was thrown out after the evidence was all impounded due to the wrong person opening the door when they came to the house. They did get me later when I was managing the Nuns; who you knew well; perhaps too well.

          I was told the night before these events happened that I describe in this post by a female friend whose name is Denise Skinner; she told me of this as she is the daughter of one of North Beach's oldest Italian-style familes that William Kuntsler had brought back a letter from Jim Jones; and she told me that people were going to die; but that was all she would tell me; and that she had seen guns; and would tell me no more; as she said she would then be killed also. I let it go at that: and the next day: well; I knew then she had told me the truth.

Don't judge her too harshly Jennifer: her father was too powerful for his own daughter to cross; even to save the mayor's life; but you may feel differently.

 She was white as a ghost that night in the women's bathroom at Mabuhay Gardens; but she told the truth: the next day both your father and Harvey Milk were dead. Her father Duke Skinner was paid a considerable amount of money for this; and Dan White's family was well taken care of; they even got him of with a tainted jury; although that will be hard to prove.

      It is not Denise Skinner and the others who I want to be charged in the conspiracy surrounding your father's death; but her father Duke Skinner and they who are the one's who arranged for Dan White to take out your father for revenge and Harvey for spite for "promises broken"; as Jim Jones had said in his letter that William Kuntsler brought in from the plane when it landed that black day; along with the money to pay for it all; quite a bit of money in those secret bank accounts; and a lot of cash as well.

If Duke Skinner is even still alive he will of course have much to answer for; but at least now the Truth has come out; far too long; but not too late: there is no statute of limitations on murder: or conspiracy to commit murder either.

            William Kuntsler and the others were on the first plane that left the runway at Jonestown; Leo Ryan was killed before he got to the second plane; as the People's Temple came to it's tragic end with their false christ; Jim Jones.

           Jim Jones; my dear Jennifer, is the one who had your father killed; and the letter that William Kuntsler brought back is the reason that a day later Dan White was allowed to get into City Hall with someone who purposely left a window open so he could get in unobserved with the gun.

            As you may remember, Dan White was the head of the Jousing Authority; and was aware that hundreds of People's Temple members were receiving welfare checks even though they were living in South America in French Guyana; but he was told not to do anything about it.

          Wjen Leo Ryan started his investigation Dan White knew they were going to come with him with a lot of questions; and he was not about to fall on his sword for your father George Moscone; so he quit.

           When he tried to get his job back after he resigned your father would not rehire him; but the story is better understood if you look at who replaced Dan White on the Housing Authority: Diane Feinstein.

            At present I have not contacted the SFPD as I know there is no statute of limitations on murder and particularly conspiracy to committ murder; William Kuntsler is dead; but those who were at the house that he came to directly from SF Airport all knew what was going to happen; and it is they who will be brought to Justice; for that is my Reward.

            At this time I am living elsewhere; but I know that my own life will likely be in danger after this information comes to light; be that as it may I will make sure that all the facts do come to light; if only for the reason that those few times we shared each other's company were one of the better memories I have of the days I acted out my role as that most prodigal of San Francisco's fallen sons: but I arose; and so shall my beloved City of St. Francis.

           With Love;
                                 christopher witt diamant

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My writing career began when I had a number of visions and experiences in a continuing epiphany that has never really ended; and this is due to the fact that I had an angel appear to me in the guestroom at my grandmother Ruth Witt-Diamant's (more...)

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