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The "N" Word and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney

Lawrence Gist
Sometimes the extreme right does nothing to hide their true colors. In the alt.politics Google Group, member "Patriot Games" posted a comment about the Israeli Navy's [illegal] detention of former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney 20 other human rights activists. The title that that posting: "DemocRAT's SHAME! Israel Navy Arrests "N[omited]er" Ex-Rep McKinney."

In a reply to the Patriot Games posting, another member, "Ken," said "you really need to cut McKinney some slack, she probably thought she was going to a Michael Jackson wake or something. Anyone who has followed her actions in the past knows she is lost like a goose and cannot be held responsible for her actions!!"

While I will continue to find those areas where the left and right may join together in the support of public policies based upon our common values, of which I believe we are more alike than different, postings such as those made by Patriot Games and Ken make me question my faith in such efforts.

However, taking a few moments to reflect, I remain firm in my previously held beliefs, secure in the knowledge that postings such as these do not reflect the vast majority of right wing conservative thinkers. Well, my use of the term "firm" might be a little strong - I have to ask myself why there are no reply postings from the far right condemning the title posting used by Patriot Games.

As quoted in the 1960's film about Thomas Moore, "A Man for All Seasons," the King said to Moore regarding his unwillingness to make a public comment, "your silence speaks volumes." I am afraid of what it means that there is "silence" to the posting made by Patriot Games.

Sometime having faith in my fellow members of the human race is difficult. Yet, the alternative to having such faith is a journey I rather not take.

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Lawrence J. Gist II is a dedicated pro bono attorney and counselor at law, adjunct professor of legal studies at Mount St. Mary's College in Los Angeles, CA, a member of the board of directors of the Institute of Indigenous Knowledges, and a veteran (more...)
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