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Diary    H3'ed 9/3/09

Something Just Doesn't Feel Quite Right

Jay Farrington
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Something Just Doesn't Feel Quite Right

Before Barack Obama became president, back on the campaign trail, there were at least two publicized incidents where the Secret Service's protection detail raised doubts about their zeal to protect Obama.

I thought, after the election, they will get their sh*t together and he will be as safe at least as past presidents have been since JFK. Not so, when a man can wear a loaded weapon near the President.

I'm a second amendment person, a Member of NRA, have a state permit to carry. But I would not consider carrying a firearm anywhere near any kind of crowd, let alone when the Commanderà ‚¬"inà ‚¬"Chief is appearing. Doesn't feel right that the Secret Service doesn't come down on them. Something doesn't feel quite right about these incidents and the coverage given them by the MSM.

I was born in Texas, but something flipped inside me when I saw that goon in the cowboy hat in front of the Texas capitol and heard him saying he hated the United States. Something not quite right when he gets media coverage on a loop and is cheered by a handful of relatives and mental patients.

This is deja vu from the 'sixties, when patriotic Americans who protested were demonized by the White House and something is not right when that seems to be happening again, but this time the protesters are paid shills of the health and drug industries. Not right, when we said we would reform the democratic process so the politicians couldn't be owned by other than the people.

It doesn't feel quite right for Obama to play "rope-a-dope" while getting pummeled by a clearly "rabid" right. Seems like something is not quite right when the former President, Cheney, not only openly criticizes his successor, he actually incites anger against Obama by saying he "is making America less safe."

Something is not right when the same tactics against Cheney would have been tantamount to political suicide. To the President, I say "Snap out of it!" Throw a few if you want to be standing at the end.

It's not right that so many people around Obama don't appear to care what directions things take. It is like, "why put out all this effort on a one term prez?" It doesn't seem right that Bill and Hillary seem to be lurking in Obama's future.

Obama, I thought you would take the high road, but to let the slime who brought America to ruin assassinate your character and programs, that, sir is betraying all who voted for you.

I think you have until Christmas before you will be forced to drastically restructure your entire administration or some bad things will happen, the least of which will be your failure to get elected for a second term.

It doesn't seem right that only Obama and the American people think he is President, and I wonder at times if even Obama thinks it.

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Fulbright in 1966-67; Visiting Lecturer in American Literature with Baghdad University/Texas University Exchange Program. Guest Lecturer for the American Authors Lecture Series for the United States Information Service in Iraq. Co-authored with (more...)
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