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Push "Reset" on the Obamacare Bill -- and then push "Single Payer" or "Universal Medicare"

Kyle Griffith
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I just got through watching a video of Rep. John Kline's 9/05/09 speech in which he advocates scrapping Obama's health care reform plan and passing a bill proposed by the Republicans in June. From the descriptions I've seen of this alternative bill, it's just the usual Neocon line of, "The present strategy of financing health care through private insurance is basically sound, and all we need to do is make a few minor changes and wait for it work." In other words, the same "Voodoo Economics" approach the Neocons take to business and financial matters in general. Rep. Kline doesn't even bother to explain why he thinks this plan would work, and most of his speech is just the usual right-wing lies and garbage about how all of the health care alternatives offered by the Democrats will limit people choices of what medical they will receive, destroy millions of jobs, and significantly reduce taxes for the majority of working Americans.

Here's a link to the vid of his speech:

On other hand, I'm now becoming hopeful that if Obamacare is voted down or tabled, Congress will end up passing a much better health care reform plan, because it looks like the left wing of the Democratic Party has finally begun to flap. For example, on 9/03/09, the Congressional Progressive Caucus sent the President a letter stating that it's members have agreed do vote against any health care reform bill that dosn't contain a realistic public option. And in conference phone call with him the next day with members of this same Caucus, Obama was reported as being "noncommittal about the government-run plan". Since he's openly supported a public option in the past, it may be possible to gain his support if enough pressure is put on him by progressive-minded voters, both directly through e-mails to his Web site, and indirectly through our Congressional representatives.

So IMO, it's time for all Americans who believe that "We need a much better health care reform act than the one now being worked on in Congress" to start putting pressure on both the President and Congress to write and pass such a bill.
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