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The BBC - History and propaganda

Michael Greenwell
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David Miller is the author/co-author/editor of several books including "A Century of Spin: How Public Relations Became the cutting Edge of Corporate Power and "TELL ME LIES. Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq. He is also the co-founder of http://www.spinwatch.org and http://www.spinprofiles.org. He occasionally appears on the BBC too, including this rather amusing one from Newsnight.

In fact, in this podcast we discuss the BBC, it's history and origins, how it has been controlled and manipulated by governments and how all this fits into the wider media context.

I hope the production is a little better on this one than the last.

If you go to THIS LINK HERE then you can listen to it online or download it as an mp3. You want the VBR MP3 link where it says ˜Audio Files'.


Hope you like it and thank to ourmedia.org for making a great little service
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Scotland's Michael Greenwell has worked, at various times, as a university tutor, a barman, a DJ ("not a very good one," he clarifies), an office lackey, supermarket worker, president of a small charity, a researcher, a librarian, a volunteer worker in Nepal during the civil war there, and "some other things that were too tedious to mention." Nowadays, he explains, "I am always in (more...)
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