I have been sitting here, at my kitchen table, reflecting on the news headlines from my e-mail newsletters. It is evident that we are living inin a time of great chaos and chaos is the precursor to change. We are beset by filthy-rich tyrants who's goal it is to dominate the world and the planet that belongs to all of us. We are destroying this "emerald of the universe" and the life that lives on it. Poverty, sickness and war are being perpetuated in the hope of mass extinction of the more meek of our species. I sit here in awe of the problems that plague mankind in this hour.
All of this may seem hopeless, in fact it isn't. For, if the people of this planet were to wake up and realize the vast power they possess, all of these problems that I have mentioned and more could be solved, stopped, resolved. Most of these issues facing us are being orchestrated by a very small group of men and women, the elite, from big business, government, the media, and the military industrial complex. The solution rests with us, the little people.
It is time to remember that we are the majority, they are the minority. We must take back our power, find our voice, stand for our rights and the rights of all creatures on this earth, conquer our fears and stop allowing these greedy, power mad individuals to stop controlling us and destroying our lives.
So, wake up world, see what is happening, listen to the voices that are trying to inform us of what is happening and what we can do about it, know that you are not alone, join your voices together as one and know that we are a powerful force for change. What you think and believe matters. We can create a better reality, one where we are all free and equal, one where we are all fed, clothed and healthy. The choice is yours. Remember, we are the majority.
by Joanne Alvarez, one of the "little People."