With phony noblesse oblige, Rush, the world's biggest egotist, says "This is not about me,this is about the future of the United States of America and what kind of country we're going to have."I'm sure he cares what kind of country we are going to have as he practices demagoguery and reverse classism and touts his partisanship as fair and factual, even while he revises all facts and history to suit his ideology and while he freely slanders his opponents. He cares deeply about the good of the country when his radio show is all a marketing of hate as entertainment using finger pointing and blame casting...and defending his Republican pirate corporate friends who he claims can do no wrong. Every event is cast as some sort of evil socialist conspiracy. But criticize him and watch him whine and howl.
You cannot confuse the right wing with the facts. They are very desirous that their white reactionary bigot icon do well.
Can anyone seriously defend the proposition that Rush is not a racist? All one has to do is call up numerous shows where Rush launches long tirades against minorities. It is all well documented. But his followers are not interested in facts, rather in enforcing lockstep to his whipped up hate du jour and busying themselves defending him in his blind worship of the Republican Party. And Rush is not shy to give his robotic listeners their marching orders.
The same Rush supporters of course who make their usual statements about Obama failing and the socialists taking over the country, have been posting all day, today and yesterday, on the various news website blogs, claiming how this latest controversy over the football team is just a contrived mass media campaign to slander him, with false "quotes" and groundless accusations, all drummed up to stop conservatism.He apparently has fired up his self-white-wash machine to spin away any inflammatory thing he has said in the past and attempt to turn it all around to make himself look like the victim of a left wing conspiracy. Everyone knows he has made snide comments about blacks, from things he said about Donavan McNabb to calling Barack Obama 'the magic negro' to his sneering pronunciation of the 'Reverennnnnnd Jesse Jackson" to his supercilious putdowns of blacks as underachievers and gang members and so forth, on any number of occasions.
His own past racism is in no way an invention of the left. He has sneered for years and now that he catches flack for it, instead of apologizing (and why would he, since he would never mean it), he tries to turn the whole thing into a blaming of the left (which he equates with evil) vs. right (which he equates with patriotic capitalist righteousness). Rush markets his paranoia about liberals to feed his vast radio empire and to use blameshifts to project his own faults and hatefulness onto onto his strawman enemies he creates. He is a completely cynical, angry mass marketer of hate and partisanship.
I don't believe he posseses any skillset other than political put-down peddling, playing the victim when anyone disagrees with him and resenting any criticism he gets even though he reserves the right to go on the attack with his own outrageous slander of those he targets.. He has no conscience or sense of social responsibility over the divisiveness and poison he has sown into the American political atmosphere. He enriches himself by dividing the country and helping to create a partisan hatred. He richly deserves to be put in his place. He has done a lot of hurt to others. And it is poetic justice that he gets some back. And by the way, Rush's being dropped from consideration of part ownership in the team is simply capitalism at work, not the socialist plot he claims. They dropped him because Rush is BAD FOR THE FOOTBALL BUSINESS and would have hurt the team's profits.
There is money, money everywhere but Rush has not a friend in sight among any people of any importance. All he has is his dittoheads whom he has brainwashed. This overpaid sociopath is blind to his own meanness and a projector of his own faults: a master slanderer who relies on twisting the truth to gain an audience.
It is a sad commentary on the American public that he has any listeners at all, let alone the large number of people who actually believe the drivel he puts out. The right's hypocrisy and projection are outrageous. They fulminate that we are in the era of the "most divisive" President but they are confused. Wake up cons, that era is over. The hyper-divisive George W Bush who governed from the far looney right, is gone. The Cheney-Rove combine that hand-picked all appointees on a partisan basis including US Attorneys, is gone. Of course Obama is not ideal, but he is far more centrist than Bush-Cheney ever were.