The Tea Party Protest
The other day I confronted protesters standing on a "5 Points" type intersection in my present home-town of Torrington, CT. Over the past few months they have shown signs to the passing traffic condemning the environment, and health care, and they have presented symbols of traditional American rebellion, implying that they struggle for Independence. Their signs represent the agenda of the Bush administration, and their hypocrisy is as obvious as Bush's was: starting wars and building prisons for freedom.
I found their use of the symbols of the early American Revolution to be repulsive and nauseating, but upon confronting them, nausea turned to fright: there is no way to describe them except as an exact replica of Hitler's early Nazi party in terms of their ignorance, deceit, and especially the obvious mental illness of the local leader. I thought back to a favorite book: Rough Male by Geoffrey Household. A good Englishman goes to Hitler's Germany to assassinate Hitler, clearly justified homicide, but does not and returns to England. Local Nazi spies pursue him to the ground, literally.
These "Tea Party" people are the enemies of Barack, and, from experience, I can safely say that they are racists. If they do "produce" Blacks, I can guarantee they are tokenizing by exploiting the "Uncle Tom" phenomena: more mental illness.
The Environment
By attacking the environment, specifically as the "carbon footprint," and the health care, these people are protesting Obama's best efforts (I am a strong critic of the Wall Street bailout), and when I confronted the protesters about these signs I hit a brick wall: nobody knew anything. I finally did get directed to their leader, a tall skinny crazy-looking woman, and after some double-talk she admitted to being Tea Party. The general perception that the anti-health care and anti-environmental protests are funded by Corporate America, but from my experience, this, let us say, anti-social movement seems to be constructed from grass roots psychos. Let me add that I learned on that a major fear of the Obama's health care reforms is the mental health screening of children: clearly the paranoia of psychos.
Health Care
The leader specifically told me that the group opposes health care--in those words. I replied that she obviously wants everyone to be sick, which is sick. She denied that, but instead of explaining herself, she told me that the Republicans had "hijacked the nation." Well, that's common knowledge as Bush stole two elections, but I had to wonder what is behind that statement. Here is someone representing conservative Republican values, denouncing the Republican Party. There is always the psycho explanation, but then there may be a method to the madness. Is the Tea Party to the right of the Right? Or is this some desperate and twisted Republican tactic to redirect opposition to Republicans towards Obama? Who knows...?
Tea Party is Alarming
What is so alarming about this group, which is probably typical of the Tea Party, is that not a single person in the group, except the leader, knew exactly what the controlling organization was, and none of them, including the leader, knew anything about the issues or the positions of the group. They had to refer me to their leader.
The leader did not herself have the tea party line together and had to continually refer to a cheat sheet while talking to me. Her attack of the Republican was made further confusing when she told me she supports uncorrelated free trade, and any laws restricting corporations: a pure corporate liberalist, or libertarian such as the economist Friedman who wishes to hand all resources to Capital.
The strongest irony of this protest, is that the protesters are all from this town, Torrington, was until recent a successful and bustling factory town in the middle of the Southern Berkshires, and that its factories had been closed by those two things, free traded and what is though of as corporate anarchy: complete deregulation. She and her supporters had no shame promoting the very illness that had destroyed the town's economy. And it wasn't just global free trade that had destroyed Torrington's economy, sending it into the all-to-common downward spiral of crack and depravity. Its prize factory, Torrington Ball Bearings, had been bought by an American competitor, Timken, just to be shut down. A successful factory was destroyed through a purchase simply to erase competition. Torrington had made the best ball bearings in the world, and there are the remains of quality assurance companies that independently assured that Torrington would be the best of its kind.
To me there can by no mistake: this group represents in our time the starting point of the Nazi Party in Germany, and there can be no mistake about the militant overtones of the protesters, their desire exploit and corrupt the the concepts of American freedom. Their views are reactionary, racist, violent, and much like Bush's, a man who killed thousands upon thousands. Knowing that major killing is part of this grass roots menu, and that there is no protection against the types of political control that utilizes ignorance, because its own members are victims of their own choice (Beck). Their unnatural resistance to the types of critical inquiry necessary for understanding the basis of life is probably is compounded by their own desires to spread misinformation. It is increasingly beginning to seem that minor killing might be a humane solution to the major killing that has plagued America for hundreds of years.
The Bush Legacy is on different than the Tea Party's future hopes
Only recently we learned that GW Bush's grandfather was a major investor in Hitler's military machine, and when America when into the "just war," the Bushes did not lose; they were compensated by the government beyond their losses. The results of Nazism were the Holocaust and WWII, and these events involved massive killing: mass killing in this kind of environment of ignorance is inevitable, killing far beyond the killing done by the mainstream, the death penalty and war, by the Bushes, and now by Barack Obama. These kinds of people force us back into the hands of the mainstream controllers no matter how much we desire positive change, and in so doing we are forced to accept the killing of our society because the alternative is much worse.
If there is going to be killing, and there will be...
If there is going to be killing then, despite our pacifism, we have to accept that the minimal killing of the pathological guilty as they step forward to put their killing machines into action is the far better alternative. Giving the rank-and-file the benefit of the doubt by letting them go, and simply focusing on the leadership.
The greatest problem with the Tea Party is not its potential success, but that it pushes changers back into the arms of the stat quo
Perhaps the greatest difficulty with this kind of party, in this case the Tea Party, is not the fear that it might succeed in its present reactionary incarnation, but that it actually nullifies opposition to more mainstream corruption, specifically Obama's missteps: the continued support of "Middle East" war in defiance of an American desire to withdraw in favor of better strategies, and the "pay offs" to the criminally corrupt financial institutions that caused not only the last economic slide, but also the previous one that handed over America's best asset, Technology, to the wealthy of poverty-stricken of India: a decade of corruption.
Obama could have been a saint, and perhaps can still be one, but he has chosen to mix his blessing with some fairly extreme corruption, which historically seems to be a common strategy. Using Liberal logic, you need money to be able to give it way--to "throw money at the problems," as Liberals like to do, which they can support with documentation that more money means successful social programs. The part Liberals miss, perhaps deliberately, is that the money to fund their charity has to come from somewhere, and we all know that it is squeezed from the middle class, and from the poor in places where their spotlight is not shining, such as other countries. It also comes from the environment, and when you consider that human nature is directly integrated into the environment especially in the financially poor but resource rich nations, you realize that mainstream Liberals are nearly purely hypocritical. But then we have known that all along.
In this case, by driving local core American economies under, Liberals, including Obama, are historically and economically assuring success for an only benefit reactionaries that want to embrace the strategies of dictators such as Hitler. As it happens there is a German-American population here in the area that associates Nazism with Germany, when of course, Germany represses Nazism and routinely expels Nazis to the US--recall the Nazi skin-head movement of the 80s, which, ironically, used Anarchist punk rock as its vehicle--endless cautionary indicators!
By looking at all these factors simultaneously, it is easy to see how the entire political mix folds to together like a strudel pastry. No matter which of these leader-types calls the shots, the skinny woman or Barack, the upshot is going to be violence and economic blunder.
There has to be a better solution, but unfortunately the better solution is looking like the "Rogue Male's" lethal to solution to Hitler's "final solution."
The killing that is happening, what I think of as capital punishment, is preventing the killing that should be happening, which is revolution.