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Legal Issues: Israel Settlements; Palestine Lands

arn specter
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November 18, 2009
Legal Issues: Israel Settlements; Palestine Lands
by Arn Specter, Phila, (Twitter)
In the news these days. Israel continues to maintain it's policy
of building settlements; 900 housing units. Protests from the U.S.,
the European Union, Britain and the Palestinians are rendered,
published and shown the world press, media.
Behind the issue of settlement constructions is the one of
Legality; whether or not the building is legal under Israel Law
and/or International Law. For years this question has been asked
and many answers given yet no solution has been found.
There is also the moral and humanitarian concerns of the building
of housing on the land the Palestinians claim as their own; and suffer
from Israel's policies of exclusion and retribution in confiscating,
evicting and demolishing their homes. These issues too have been
condemned by the International Community.
I offer here some resources regarding the LEGALITY issues
for your attention.
It is my belief that either Israel changes it's policies about settlements
on either moral or legal grounds or legal action needs to be taken against
them in International Court to prevent further building, and provide a
cooperativeframework with the Palestinians in order to foster
talks on peacemaking and the creation of a Palestinian State, which was
recently brought up to the United Nations by the Palestinians.
Arn Specter, Phila. (Twitter)
1) Legality and Illegality of Israel Settlements in Occupied Palestine
2) Legal Issues: Wikipedia freeencyclopedia.
3) Israeli Settlements, comprehensive Table of Contents,; background Information
Google Search, origin
Arn Specter is a researcher and writer in Philadelphia. His writings on social/political issues including anti-war sentiments, reducing the military
budget and disarmament, reduction asnd elimination of nuclear weapons, diplomacy and peacemaking, the U.S. Missile Defense System, Human Rights
for Burma, the Palestiniansand other peoples and countries, affordable Health Care for Everyone, and Animal Welfare issues can be found on
Arn Specter, P.O. Box 5857, Phila. Pa. 19128, (215) 843-1850, arnpeace@yahoo.com

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Progress/Spiritual male, 63, lives in Phila. Retired and active on progresive issues; Reducing Military Spending, Nuclear Nonproliferation, Impeachment, Stoping the War , Disarmament, Single-Payer health care, Animal Welfare, Communities Advocate, (more...)
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