The National Car-Lotto is one of my ideas. I admit to wanting the car czar job; because I like the rhyme. Here is my Czarist plan to rejuvenate our American automobile industry without any further boot clicking government intervention.
As industry (or government) appointed car czar I will organize a national car-lotto raffle, with tickets sold nationwide wherever lotto tickets are sold. Car-lotto raffle tickets will go for one dollar. A winning ticket gets the GM, Ford, or Chrysler of your choice, with taxes, tag, dealer fees and extended warranty included.
Income tax liability will be forgiven until such time as you sell or trade the car. Our goal, with an advertising blizzard on radio, and TV, is 30,000 yet to be built cars raffled every week, as soon as we clear the cars currently in stock on the lots!
The lotto-raffle winner goes to their favorite dealership. The sales commission on the sticker price is divided amongst the sales force so every buddy benefits. In this manner, the future of America's car companies is in the hands of we, the people, not Washington, DC bureaucrats.
Chrysler's Sebring convertible is the sharpest convertible currently manufactured in USA. Were it announced that Chrysler was finished and the last ten thousand Sebring Convertibles were being sold via raffle ticket, every ticket would be gone in an hour!
Facing the demise of General Motors and Chrysler, millions of people would have purchased a car-lotto raffle ticket every week to win their favorite car. The deal: upon winning you visit the dealership with your winning ticket in hand and order exactly the fully equipped car and color you want.
I hold millions of people who can't afford to purchase a new car but can afford to operate a car would purchase car-lotto raffle tickets regardless every week whether they are driving a gas guzzling clunker or not. All of the millions of people who purchase scratch offs and lotto tickets would certainly earmark a dollar or two each week for a car-lotto raffle ticket as the odds of winning a brand new state of the art car are so much better then winning a lotto!
GM would have one million Volts pre-sold before their first Volt rolled off the line. We should include the all-electric Silicon Valley Tesla, too. Instead of Obama's bureaucrats deciding which companies are to survive in the collapsing world e con oh me, we, the people would be the deciders on what cars we drive.
My car-lotto national raffle program will pre-sell 30,000 new American made cars every week, the money on hold, after all the inventory on all the lots is rolled. Each and every car will be loaded with the latest state of the art features, too. The beauty in this: so many of the car-lotto winners will be people who drive but are not in the market to purchase a new car, much as they'd love to have one.
Those people who are planning on a new car, in spite of today's e con oh me, aren't going to hold off until they win one in the car-lotto. They will simply go around to the dealerships and negotiate their best deal. In a troubled world market, our auto industry will survive from the good faith of the car-lotto raffle ticket purchasing American public.
So why don't we move on this and give our car industry a chance to renegotiate fresh rolls in a permanently altered world e con oh me? I want to be industry appointed, the car czar guy on the TV ads exhorting everyone to purchase their car-lotto raffle ticket, and make the talk show rounds, pushing our new car for a dollar raffle.
The only hindrance to the above is it is my idea and I am a candidate for president, an issue held against me, obviously, because I am an independently minded person. Once you get past that minor detail of your distaste with the author, you have a winning program. One million jobs will be saved from the National Car-Lotto. is michaelslevinson dot commie (wanna be car czar)