We can help anyone set up their own tour and show them how to make a community project out of this new way to help those who are denied access to bookstore chains or are self-published authors and do not know how to market their books.
It is something we want to foster because we believe readers and writers need community. We also believe that readers and writers need to know they can come together and discuss what is new in publishing and how to change their worlds based on information and the sharing of it.
Today the president talked about how necessary it is to create jobs and do it effectively and we agree. Not only do we agree, we urge those who are interested in joining with us in this type of venture, to contact us and to do it as a salesperson, as a person who goes out and talks to readers in places like cafes, galleries, performance spaces, your mother's living room and read from authors you think your communities need to hear about.
In the following days and weeks we are going to be laying out a program that is easy to do and fun, I can attest to that having been on the road with this model now for some time. It is great to meet people and talk to them about books and the books you carry with you to sell to them. In some ways it is similar to being a teacher and explaining to a roomful of wonderfully attentive students why you think the world of publishing needs to change and here is one way to go about it.
Break down those competitive barriers between publishers. We are all about the same things--wanting to publish books for a willing audience of readers. We know our potential readers well and the same is true for those who go on the Itinerant Book Show routes.
So, if interested, please let me know. Jobs are wonderful things to have now. We can help you become your own boss but within a community of likeminded people.