Let's use the Health Care bill as an Obama "teaching moment" --- not him "teaching us' but us "teaching him'!
This 'Health Care' (sic) bill reminds me of the illogic of the Vietnam War:
"It became necessary to destroy the bill in order to save it"
And, in fact, the reason that this illogic applied then in the Vietnam War "abroad", and now in the corporatist oppression of health care "at home" is precisely the same reason --- that a ruling-elite corporate/financial/militarist EMPIRE makes all decisions, and not the people of America.
As Hannah Arendt presciently warned from her direct experience with empires:
"Empire abroad (always) entails tyranny at home".
Let's teach Obama a critical lesson that he needs to understand. The famous old phrase was, "What goes around, comes around". But today, "What goes around, comes home to roost" as his own minister tried to teach him.
Let's tell Obama:
"If you are only going to pose as another front-man for the ruling-elite Global corporate/financial/militarist EMPIRE that controls our country --- by hiding behind the faà §ade of its two-party "Vichy' sham of democracy --- then that's not the "hope' and "change' that we voted for.
We've been fed that old "Okie Doke" (as you called it) since the Vietnam War, for forty years!
Now if you really believe that times they are a changing, and that you don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowin, and that "Yes we can' confront Empire, then why don't you give us a chance, and help lead us in a second American Revolution for democracy against Empire --- cause if you're not going to lead, then at least "get out of the way'."
Alan MacDonald
Sanford, Maine