John Yoo and Jay Bybee need to go on trial for conspiracy to commit war atrocities against humanity. The appropriate venue would be the International Criminal Court.
But instead, the first now teaches LAW to our CHILDREN at a PUBLIC university.
And the second now basks in his reward for treachery with a LIFETIME appointment as a FEDERAL JUDGE.
Many believe that the initiative for this moral imperative -- in the absence of a decent government to act -- should be mounted by the electorate, and that this should all be settled by the influence of its voting. But it's been six or seven years now since the crimes. And subsequent to those crimes, the chief criminal was re-elected as most powerful person in the world by the great American electorate. And then the great American electorate fell for the Messiah of Hope and Change, who after more than a year in office painfully decided --motivated by some court pressure -- to allow HIS Justice Department to release a REDACTED version of the investigators' conclusions.
There will be no MONEY made available to our politicians for the now necessary "contributions" to energize any viable congressional action. And expecting the great American electorate to now come to consciousness and to "force" the issue for remediation by their votes is like expecting Pinocchio will grow a real brain atop his new nose and to father a dozen real kids, all to become Rhodes Scholars. Aside from a few "trouble makers," no others will dare or bother the Congress to actually take the proper and necessary action consistent with the awareness, integrity, mentality, political courage and energy required to rescue America's image from the deepest pit of world opinion and to go forward in some minimally decent way to salvage -- instead of drone-bombing -- any hope for the survival of humanity.
It's not going to happen. What will happen, what is already in fact happening, is the start of an all consuming three-year debate on how Obama is to rescue his chestnuts for even a nomination (watch for Lady Hillary Macbeth's "reluctant but necessary" re-emergence) and Caribou Sarah's ditzy antics to "revitalize the Republican base" or some other bizarre base.
Will all this in fact happen just this way? Who knows? But those prospects are what the great American electorate will consume itself with rather than any distraction to commit Yoo and Bybee to the fate that decency and any respect for humanity require.
They once called our situation the American Dream. And I suppose that's sadly all it is and may ever be.