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Bush Ain't No p*ssy!

Dale Hill
Bush Ain't No p*ssy

"George Bush isn't a p*ssy, that's for sure! Yes, one thing for sure, I can guarantee you that George Bush is not a p*ssy."

This is the conclusion of Bill Maher. Now, I like Bill most of the time. When I say most, I mean about 92% of the time. That 8% of the time has to do with religion and his absolutism over total Darwinian evolution. Simply stated, there is just too much evidence out there that one cannot explain outside the evolutionary process. I think Maher is a city kid and therefore hasn't experienced the real world of specific species. The Bible echos, ... "after its kind" too many times and that phrase stands out stronger than Darwin's early conclussions.

I have seen 2000 black birds flying together from tree to tree and telephone line to telephone line, and these birds hang together "after their kind." After their kind is absolutely a law of non-evolutionary science. Species stick together, breed together, and do not breed with other species to make new species. Besides, Bush alone proves that evolution within a species is, itself, unproveable.

Of course my other disagreement concerns the title of this tome. Bill Maher guarantees that "George Bush IS NOT a p*ssy." Well, I think a relook and a reconsideration is over due for the intellectual comedian. As I look at Bush and his "ways," I come away with the absolute fact that screams, George Bush IS a "p*ssy," big time. Right now Bush is involved in "circular redundancy" that he simply doesn't have the guts to get out of.

The first time I experienced the term, "circular redundancy," was when I was working on my old Model 4P, TRS-80 computer. Back then, we had to initialize every disk before using it. The trouble is, there were several different DOS'S for that computer, and each used a different filing menu and system structure and had to be initialized differently for each. One time, during the process, a flashing error came on screen, screaming "circular reduncy error." The Model IVP could work in the CPM environment, the Model III and Model IV environment as well. Evidentally, in the process of checking out and formatting a new disk, the machine read-write heads were caught up in a digital rut which it could not get out of. That describes Bush to a tee. Only, when we are dealing with adult humans, can we literally will ourselves out of those circular redundancy activities. But Bush is such a p*ssy, that he simply refuses to get out of his CRE. Case in point, happened again this week.

Bush's people purposely leaked that Bush was headed for Iraq to a face-to-face meeting with al-Maliki to tell him that changes had to be made. Maliki stands Bush up for a day, then Bush is caught announcing that there would be NO change in the relationship between the two and the issue remains the same. Did Bush become a p*ssy and decide to back down on his leaked memo? Spells "p*ssy" to me.

In fact, ... I have heard from some of Bush's minnions that the people's recent vote DIDN'T mean we should get out now, the vote meant nothing more than a change, including sending more soldiers. In other words, ... increasing our foot-print in Iraq. The Bush people remain in that CRE and absolutely refuse to get out of their own reality of a rut. How do we define insanity?

Surely, there is not one of us reading this post, who cannot define denial. Alcoholics and their families and friends are in denial from their loved-ones condition. It takes a physical intervention to force those sick people into reaching out for help, for the alcholic to change. It is obvious to me, that the Bush crowd remains in denial, even after a "thumping," as Bush called it. Sorry President, losing The House and The Senate and a dozen governorships is not a thumping; it's a kick in the stomach. An intervention that screams, "Hey Dude, your sick, and it is time to search for an entirely new plan - bring our troops home, NOW!"

The biggest laugh about Bush and his "non-pussyism" is that he has yet been able to discipline his daughters, ... or at least have a minimum talk to them about reality. I think the term, "p*ssy-whipped" is a better description of Bush's relationship with his daughters. Of course, they have government guards, but, ... even those guys couldn't hang tight if 20 Osama types showed up with AK-47s. And Bush is no "p*ssy?" Chelsea could run for office some day, compared to Bush's twins, Jenna and Barbara, who could be held for ransom. Wait, do a search on them and we realize quickly that the family may already be paying ransom for their half-necked pictures from South America.

No, Mr. Bush, voters are not looking for mearly a change in treatment. We want our troops home. The voters are no longer in denial over the subject. We are sick of seeing caskets with flags and soldiers who are maimed for the rest of their lives for some discredited plan you and your "intellectuals" thought-up during the 90's. We are tired of seeing women, old folks, and kids being killed by the daily bombings. It means, the "jig" is up. As ol' Willie would say it, "Turn out the lights, the party's over ... ."

Now we hear that John Bolton is BOLTING. Bolton doesn't think Bush can get himself throught nomination and confirmation hearing. Not a p*ssy?

So, ... what do you think? Is Bush a "p*ssy" or is he "p*ssy=whipped?"

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Is a 34 year retired educator with a Masters Degree in Counseling - a free-lance writer with articles in Spanish and English Guideposts, Mothering, Oklahoma Observer, Oklahoma Gazette, Westview, Oklahoma Reader, The Lookout, Christian Standard, (more...)
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