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New Hampshire, Kucinich & ABC's Dirty Trick

Kevin Gosztola
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I was hopeful this morning that somehow I might see the kind of poll results that at least Ron Paul has been getting.

As I sit here and watch Mitt Romney ramble and look at the percentages won blinking at the bottom, my fear is being realized...

...All the work that Dennis Kucinich and his supporters put into New Hampshire didn't pay off.

Even worse, Richardson is now polling higher than Kucinich thanks to the corporatist sham that is ABC.

I now would like to hear from other Americans on how they feel about this election as a Kucinich supporter.

It's time for a group pow wow. We need to huddle. And please huddle with me on this comments section as we talk about what to do next.

I would do this on the Action Center but I will do it here because outsiders who are not members of the campaign may happen upon this and add their opinion.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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