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The Political Minds of American Sports Nuts

Kevin Gosztola
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Sports nut (n.) - one who is dedicated to keeping all the players in each sport straight by following statistics, scores, and who has the best chance of winning.

For right now, sports nuts have filled out their brackets and are glued to CBS watching the pool of teams face off as they fight for a trip to the Final Four.

Some have posted thoughts on the election a thread, "Obama for President." The thoughts are interesting to say the least.

cubsfan1978 says:

What personally keeps me from voting for either Obama and Hillary are their political beliefs and stances on issues. Obama is entirely too liberal, as evidenced by his comments that he would have free negotiations with terrorist leaders without any type of security measures. Talk about opening the door of our country for another attack. He honestly scares me. IMHO, he is potentially playing with the lives of innocent Americans.

Now, that last statement is bound to get some responses to the likes of this: "Well, what about what Bush has done by getting us into this war?" The response is this. America is a democracy which elects its leaders. Not one member of the Armed Services has ever been forced to join it (less the draft in Vietnam, which isn't relevant to this discussion). At the point when these men and women make the choice to serve and follow the commander in chief who is elected by the people of this country, then their choice is made. And don't come at me with insensitivity remarks towards our troops, because I have served 2 tours in Iraq.

As for Hillary, my big issue with her is the whole health care reform issue. While I agree the system needs an overhaul, her suggestions are the beginnings of socialism for this issue, and secondly, would be next to impossible to implement.

But my voting preferences have absolutely nothing to do with Gender or Race.

bigfatbrain says:

I pray that Obama doesn't win. I live in the Philly metro area and if Obama were to win, and then get assassinated, then the LA riots would look like childs play. I don't want all of that coming to my front door. If he were to promise that he would never speak in public as President, then I don't have a problem with the man. I just would hate to see a civil war over something that I had nothing to do with.

NIMBY syndrome has taken over what little mental capacity bigfatbrain possessed.


Race or gender means nothing to me in politics, or in any other venue. Peoples actions are what's important. Obama. Hillary,McCain,et al are all part of the problem. No matter who gets elected, the problems this country faces will only escalate, not diminish, because all of these candidates are for maintaining the status quo. There are all also members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the real power block in the US. Google them, but be prepared to learn the worst.

I like OHIOSTATE's thinking. That's somebody I could watch football and talk politics with at the same time.

brickz499 says:

I appreciate and repect your 2 tours in Iraq and commend you for that. But would you wish your childern to fight in this war? I understand u are following your commander in chief, but do you yourself believe in what we are fighting for in this war. This McCain DBAG mentioned we would been there for 100 years if neccissary. For who for what?

You have to realize, Our country is falling apart from the inside out, and Bush and other republicans do nothing but focus on NON americans and a war without any end in sight.

We are in the middle of an economic crisis and all MCCain/Bush are talking about is a "no end in sight" war for our troops in Iraq. I say F iraq. Save americans both home and abroad. Lets spend that money on the homeless/healthcare/veterans and other AMERICANS whom need it.

Foreclosures are up 80 % in the past month the stock market is in the beginning stages of a MAJOR decline, but the republicans dont care about that, as long as there homes are safe and there bankrolls are phat.

This is the beginning of a crisis here in the US and we CANNOT spend all our $ and efforts worring about OTHER countries problems.

I feel safe in my home, I am more afraid of a broke man with no other resort but to kill my for my wallet then a terrorist dropping a bomb on my head.

Its all government propaganda, the illusion of a threat.

On the statue of liberty it says "Give me your tired, give me your poor , give me your hungry" (qoute may not be exact) WELL ITS AMERICANS THAT ARE TIRED POOR AND HUNGRY AND UNTIL YOU SOLVE THAT PROBLEM F--- OTHER COUNTRIES AND EVERYONE ELSE!

Here's another guy I would invite to the sports pub to eat 25 cent wings, appetizers, and watch basketball with while talking politics.

I'll post one last one. Mark 4212 says:

Personally I think all three Candidates are better then anything that this country could have had the last 8 years. Bush has taken this country from a thriving economy with a booming job market to one that stinks. To one where Canada's currency is as strong as America's. He continue's to waste money in the war, not saying we shouldn't fund our troops, we should be bringing them home. This was a War on Terror, not a war on Iraq and others who withheld oil from his father and his buddies.

To the Poster who did 2 tours in Iraq i agree with you 100%. Nobody was forced and I thank every soldier who puts his life on the line for this country. But they are Forced to be over there longer then most should. I have 2 friends who were in the marines, 1 served a tour and the other actually blew out his knee training to go over. I have another in the Navy who was stationed outside over there for 2 years. It stinks. These people need help, but they also have to take the matters into their own hands and stop asking the USA to do it alone. There are other country's in the world that should be helping, when it start always falling on USA to fix the world's problems. There are enough in this country to be fixed.

From Educations. TO health Care, To Social Security, Unemployment, Homelessness. Not one candidate will be perfect. All three are strong on some issues and weak on others.

Everything Bush said he has accomplished in his 8 years is a joke. My Girlfriend of 4 years is a teacher, my mother is a 12 years teacher. The No-Child-Left-Behind act is a joke. In principal it was meant to be good, in practice it stinks to high heaven. Kids are moved along by school so people keep jobs. It stinks. Bush has raised taxes on the Middle Class and upper middle class and cut them for the rich who can easily afford them. This Economy reform is awesome. I mean i'm going to be able to do so much with my 300 bucks. What a joke.

I don't know how one person can be happy with the direction this country has taken in the last 8 years. 911 was a tragedy, but we are still at war with people who didn't attach this country. Why? How? In 10 years the gas price has gone from 89 cents when i was a senior in High School to 2.89 cents (NJ). How is that increacing faster then inflation. Why are we so dependent on foreign oil, and why isn't there anything in the near future to stop it?

There are three main things i would love to see. Health Care Reform, even it i have to pay more in my taxes, i get to stop paying it to the health care company, so what's the difference. I pay 180 bucks a paycheck and at the end of the year if i used 0 dollars at the dr's office i basically threw that money away. If it was going to a national cause people who need it would be covered. Education has gone way down in the last 8 years. Ask any teacher. And why, o why can't we over tax the rich. why do the top 10% of the country no get taxed more then everyone else. They should because they can afford it. It happens in other countries, why no here.

Again all three leading candidates look strong, and I for one am hopeful they will all take this country back to where it was under bill clinton's tenure, not in any direction it has gone in the last waste of 8 years!

I find it personally comforting and mentally comforting to know that people who watch sports are posting a thread on politics on a sports website.

The few I have read say that people are engaged in politics and want a better America. Some seem like they have many misconceptions and are seriously disillusioned. But so many in America are.

I am not saying I have all the answers. But, Bush set the bar really low and set America up to accept Mr. Ed for president or your neighborhood dogcatcher for president. To say all three are the best we've had in years is a sad statement on American politics.

This nation needs a rebirth of imagination in politics. I welcome all Americans who do not normally happen upon political websites to hold discussions on politics with friends while watching March Madness games.

Most importantly, I ask that you turn your TV off and get your news from the Internet. Places like OpEdNews.com, RawStory.com, CommonDreams.org, Buzzflash.com, and Alternet.org are good. Check these out. They will tell you whose really pulling the strings of government and screwing you over economically while at the same time forcing you to support immoral and unjust acts being committed by government.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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