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Interview with Author, Inventor, and Engineer Bob Siegel

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ENVISION THIS...Leaders who are BOTH lovers of nature AND successful in business!

RP (Bob) Siegel, author, inventor, engineer, and founder of Rain Mountain LLC not only envisions but also embodies this. We encountered him through his novel, VAPOR TRAILS, which exposes intrigue at the highest corporate level that unravels when one senior executive defects from the dark conspiracy.  This sweeping story, that crisscrosses the planet at a feverish pace, is grounded in carefully researched science. Burl and Merry both found it a compelling read.

However, Bob also has his feet and his writing talents firmly grounded in technology.

His recent articles include among others: Is There Really Such a Thing as Green Fracking?; Waste Water Treatment Plant to Produce Electricity from Fuel Cells. and Leadership Redefined: Finding Limitless Possibilities in a Limited World, in which Bob writes:

We have been progressing and progressing for centuries, but doing so in the absence of any kind of guiding principle other than that of making progress...Somewhere along the way, the question of exactly "where do we want to go," has gotten lost in the details of production, efficiency, and lest we forget, maximization of profits.. This tunnel-vision proliferated... while no one took responsibility for overseeing the emerging big picture.


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Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon. (more...)
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