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Rothschilds, Illuminati, and Global Warming "Fraud"

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I'll admit that sometimes I read Jeff Rense or I occasionally listen to Art Bell's old show. Recently, however, I'm getting frustrated with all the Illuminati nonsense, and I'll tell you why.

First conspiracy theory. The Rothchild banking industry rules the world. Well, these illuminati bankers are doing one heck of a job lately. I'll admit that they have Obama in their collective pockets, but while they gloat on greed, these morons are destroying the entire Western Empire's economy. The dollar is still being dumped by China, and will soon be worthless. Americans who make nothing will soon be able to buy nothing. Noticed Wallmart's junk from China inching up in cost. Soon you won't be able to buy anything. Point is if you wanted to control the world, why would you destroy your own empire with greed? My rating on Rothchild banking industry is zero. You guys are complete greedy idiots.

Next conspiracy theory. The Zionist bankers who rule the world will cause Armageddon, because of their screwed up religious belief. Well, we do have a bunch of overly religious morons in this country who want to force mythical Jesus out of heaven. I'll grant them that. These Zionists have used the US to run amok in the middle east and keep themselves in power with oil. With the dollar being dumped by China and the rest of the reasoning universe, the might of the US military will come to a screetching halt. No money. No war. China has the Rothschild's number and they know they are being surrounded by the US military just as China is surrounding the US communities with vast supplies of trinkets. Armageddon requires a massive military--not a broke, starving bunch who will soon be coming home half fed. Sorry. No Armaggedon unless you consider the total annhilation of Western economies as armaggedon. It ain't happening.

Next conspiracy theory. The evil Zionist Rothschilds bankers created Marxism to turn us all into uber-hippie, peace-loving homosexuals. Well, lets see. The Native Americans were living in a what would be considered a communist way before white folks arrived. Did they read Marx 200 years prior to his birth? Amish and Mennonite people are still living rather commie hippie peace-loving lives. Did Marx preach to them hundreds of years before he was born? This Zionist Marx guy gets around and even jumps through time. No. I would say that if the Western economies collapse they would need some form of socialism just to survive. Maybe Marx was right about capitalism. It would destroy itself.

Next conspiracy theory. Global warming is a fraud. We are cycling through an ice age, and god made the earth without dinosaurs, and god's creation is too big to fail. Despite all the scientific evidence that man is impacting the climate in a negative way, these folks continue to believe that Jesus is coming back to clean house, and suck all the carbon out of the planet. We are going to have some massive invasion of light. (Jesus is an alien.) We will suddenly become massively evolved, and the earth changes will get rid of all the bad people. It is really hard to believe that Western educated people believe this. They cannot accept any consequences for their own bad behavior no matter what. The only good news about global warming is that when the entire economies of the Western world collapses, they won't be running around in vehicles, wasting energy, or making the US into the biggest garbage dump on the planet. Ironically, this might actually save the planet itself. It wasn't Jesus the alien visitor from outer space that saved us, but it was the shear evil of those Rothschild bankers that saved us, sort of. How ironic?

Well, for now I've had my fill of these conspiracy theories and will stick to Opednews or Commondreams.org.
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