Archives for General News

November 2009

Monday, November 30:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: Another Iranian journalist receives heavy prison term ,Payvand Iran News

David Smith: Video archives from the 2009 Continental Congress (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: High Court To Take Up Case Involving Part of Patriot Act (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Karzai Said What?

Sheila Samples: Elections in Honduras: Lucky Lobo

Sheila Samples: Obama Issues Order for More Troops in Afghanistan

Daniel Geery: Costo Connection (to bs)

Sheila Samples: Wall Street's a casino, so maybe state gambling laws apply


Sheila Samples: Poverty keeps growing in the U.S. but the press is almost blind to it

Eric Lotke: Bernanke Breaks the Law. His Own.

Eric Lotke: Obama's Jobs Summit and Bernanke's Reappointment: Connect The Dots

Roger Shuler: GOP Whistleblower Receives Death Threats in Alabama (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Obama's Afghanistan War Speech Partly a Bid for More Foreign Troops

Sheila Samples: Court sides with government in detainee photo case

Sheila Samples: Today's GOP is both united and divided

Sheila Samples: FBI paid controversial NJ blogger Hal Turner for help

Margaret Bassett: Obama Offers New Role for Pakistan

Margaret Bassett: Lawmakers Raise Concerns over an Expanded Afghan War

Margaret Bassett: Obama's Speech on Afghanistan to Envision Exit

Ann Garrison: announces anti-escalation rally, 12.12.2009

Dori Sig: Protest in Iceland yesterday

Bruce: An American Indian Gathering at Thanksgiving

Soraya: Iran: Time to Leave the NNPT (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Arab Emirates Move to Limit Crisis in Dubai

Sheila Samples: Obama's Speech on Afghanistan to Envision an Exit

Sunday, November 29:

Stanimal: U.S. Warned China Israel May Bomb Iran

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan plan entails more than troops

Sheila Samples: Iraq Inquiry bombshell: Secret letter to reveal new Blair war lies (1 comments)

Rob Kall: They're getting tired of being taken for granted

Rob Kall: Washington Times ex-editor sues, wants paper sold

Stanimal: Vietnamese Man Sleeps Beside Wife's Corpse For Five Years

Sheila Samples: 'Permanent' Arctic ice vanishing (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Official: 4 police officers shot dead in Wash. (1 comments)

Martha Rosenberg: Sarah Palin Excelling at "Chicago Speak" (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Couple said to seek payment

Sheila Samples: Monsanto's control over seed market prompts antitrust inquiry (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Honduras Voting for New President

Sheila Samples: To Prepare for War, G.I.'s Get a Dress Rehearsal

Margaret Bassett: Al-Qaeda Head Osama Bin Laden was 'Within Grasp' of US

Sheila Samples: Iran approves plan for 10 new nuclear plants

Sheila Samples: Declassification of secret documents to be delayed

Mac McKinney: The Family and Executing Gays (2 comments)

John Little: Will the Growing Unemployment in America Lead to Civil Unrest and Revolution? (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Up to 9,000 Marines Set to Start Deployment to Afghanistan (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Pakistan's Leader, Under Pressure, Cedes Nuclear Office

Scott Baker: Afghans Detail Detention in ‘Black Jail' at U.S. Base By ALISSA J. RUBIN, NY Times (1 comments)

Don Smith: Anti-war protest shakes up holiday shopping

Mac McKinney: Johann Hari on Dubai: A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour

Saturday, November 28:

Rick Rozoff: Christmas 2009: U.S., NATO To Expand New Millennium's Longest War (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Troop deployment to begin shortly after Obama's war strategy speech

Sheila Samples: Afghans Detail Detention in ‘Black Jail' at U.S. Base

Sheila Samples: From Shadow to Limelight for a Governor's Wife

Sheila Samples: Likudniks blast 'enemy of the Jews' Obama over settlement freeze

Sherwood Ross: Obama Never Considered Diplomacy In Afghanistan (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: UK diplomat: US was 'hell bent' on Iraq invasion

Sheila Samples: 'Draft Cheney' group looks to 2012 (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Approach to Honduras Raises Doubts in Latin America

Rick Rozoff: Former Soviet States: Battleground For Global Domination (3 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: UN Report on Congo: A Boeing 727 From Florida, US Stonewalling, and Gold for Dubai (9 comments)

Sheila Samples: Blitz of health care ads a windfall for TV

Margaret Bassett: Russia Train Crash 'Caused by Bomb'

Sheila Samples: Hugo Chavez: Israel plans to 'terminate the Palestinian people'

rob balsamo: 9/11: PENTAGON AIRCRAFT HIJACK IMPOSSIBLE (10 comments)

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: VENEZUELA: Son of a revolutionary friend shot dead outside his home at 7:00 a.m.

William R Castlelich: If I'm an "Idiot," do I still have free speech rights?

Friday, November 27:

Sheila Samples: Iran ‘expects Russian missiles within 2 months'

Sheila Samples: IAEA votes to censure Iran over nuclear program

OilGuy: Solar Energy Showing Promising Signs After Years of Disappointment (6 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dollar at a 14-Year Low Versus the Yen

OilGuy: Nuclear Energy: Safe, Clean and Efficient – Leave Chernobyl in the Past (4 comments)

David Fiderer: Rewriting History to Blame Tim Geithner: An Incomplete Story of the AIG Bailout (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Bailed-Out AIG Forcing Poor to Choose Between Running Water and Food

Margaret Bassett: New Obama Policy Bars Lobbyists from Federal Advisory Panels

Sheila Samples: McMaster won't withdraw from Sanford case

Margaret Bassett: Thomson Prison: State Moving to Clear Decks on Possible Sale

Margaret Bassett: UnitedHealth, Health Net Merger to be Discussed Today

Sheila Samples: The Salahis, Obama's Uninvited Guests, Prompt an Inquiry

Sheila Samples: New Obama policy bars lobbyists from federal advisory panels

OilGuy: Big Oil – A Look at The World's Most Powerful Companies (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Siegelman: Bush lawyers still running Justice Department

Eileen Fleming: President Obama, the little town of Bethlehem and Americans for Palestinian Equal Rights (2 comments)

OilGuy: New Techniques Oil Companies are Using in Drilling for Oil

David Smith: Charlie Sheen publicly challenges Obama about 9/11

Ralph Lopez: *Military Families Ask Obama Not to Send Sons and Daughters

Thursday, November 26:

Sheila Samples: Dubai fails to stem market drop on debt fears

Sheila Samples: Call it Ecocide: Babies With No Heads, 2 Heads or Monstrous Deformities (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Israel: Palestinian concerns of least importance

Sheila Samples: Blair and a deal signed in blood: PM and Bush had secret plan to topple Saddam (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: China's backing on Iran followed dire predictions

Sheila Samples: German military chief resigns over Afghan air strike

Sheila Samples: UK diplomat questions post of two Jews to Iraq Inquiry Panel

Sheila Samples: Families of Military Suicides Seek White House Condolences

Sheila Samples: U.S. Is Seeking 10,000 Troops From Its Allies for Afghan War

Sheila Samples: Obama and fellow Democrats at odds about troop increase for Afghanistan

Scott Baker: No answers yet for calf mutilations near San Luis (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: "Karzai Assigned a Rabbit to Take Care of the Carrot," Chris Arsenault interviews MALALAI JOYA, author and Afghan parlia

Wednesday, November 25:

Sheila Samples: U.S. Policy on Honduras Puts Latin Ties at Risk, Brazilian Says

Don Smith: Is Belief in God Hurting America? (3 comments)

Mac McKinney: British People Against Troops in Afghan, so Brown Sends More Troops (2 comments)

Larry Gross: West Hollywood: City Built on Rent Control Celebrates 25th Anniversary (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Nato will send 5,000 more troops to Afghanistan, says Brown

Sheila Samples: Obama to Offer 17% Emissions-Cut Goal in Copenhagen

Sheila Samples: Study shows government contract fraud is hitting disabled veterans

Rob Kall: Teabaggers Mock A Mourning Grandmother. How Would You Describe Them (30 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Judge Orders Algerian Released From Gitmo; But Detainee Is Not Going Anywhere

James Fox: Bank Foreclosure Prevention Program by Citi Up by 20 Percent


Press Release: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Expected To Announce Settlement Freeze

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez convokes Fifth International; vindicates 'Carlos the Jackal'


Sheila Samples: Obama's Afghan Strategy Will Contain Many Messages

Sheila Samples: Obama to attend climate talks in Copenhagen

Margaret Bassett: Panel Asks How Britain Got Involved in Iraq War

Sheila Samples: US rejects landmine ban treaty (2 comments)

Tuesday, November 24:

Don Lieber: Depleted Uranium, The Emerging Radiation Crisis in Iraq and US Students: Vermont Takes Lead with Divestment (1 comments)

Jennifer Hathaway: Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan (1 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Govt's Own U6 Number Shows Unemployment Rate Near 20% (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Justice probing lawmaker with oversight over department

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Barack Obama: I'll 'finish the job' in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Wedge issue: John Boehner PAC splurges on golf

Margaret Bassett: Fed Cautious About Strength of Recovery

Margaret Bassett: Atlantic Yards Project in Brooklyn Clears Legal Hurdle

Danny Schechter: Will Christmas Save US? Can "Black Friday Rescue The Economy?

Sheila Samples: Census worker killed himself, tried to make it look like homicide, officials conclude (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Lou Dobbs mulls White House bid (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Did Health-Care Reform Lead to a Medical Dean's Ouster?

Andy Worthington: Judge Orders Release of Algerian from Guantánamo (But He's Not Going Anywhere)

Sheila Samples: Obama plans to send 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Iraq inquiry: British officials heard 'drum beats' of war from US before 9/11

Sheila Samples: Homeless Organization Is Called a Fraud

Margaret Bassett: Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan Revealed

Margaret Bassett: Various Agencies Waking Up to Bedbug Resurgence

Scott Baker: Spin meter: Legislation inflation grips GOP

Monday, November 23:

Sheila Samples: Obama holds Afghan war meeting (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: G.O.P. Considers ‘Purity' Resolution for Candidates

OilGuy: Distorted IEA Oil Reserve Figures Create Biofuel Opportunities In "White Gold" Region of Central Asia

Ann Garrison: Rwanda Green Party activists claim illegal detention

Margaret Bassett: Pakistan's Battle with Taliban Militants Expands North

Sheila Samples: SC gov faces 37 charges he broke state ethics laws

Roger Shuler: What on Earth is the Appeal of Sarah Palin? (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Radiation Found At Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant, Site Of '79 Partial Meltdown

Sheila Samples: Palin quizzes Billy Graham about Bible's view of Middle East

Sheila Samples: World awaits U.S. plan to help curb global warming (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Newspaper circulation may be worse than it looks

Sheila Samples: Public option at center of debate

Sheila Samples: Hostility between British and American military leaders revealed

MC Kean: *If a Tree Falls: If a Patient is Assaulted Under Anesthesia

Sheila Samples: 4 American Military Personnel Die in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government

Sunday, November 22:

Ginger McClemons: Kennedy says RI bishop banned him from Communion

Allan Wayne: Gitmo Boy Celebrates Eid in Afghanistan by Hossam el-Hamalawy

Martha Rosenberg: Cash for Clunkers-like Ag Program is Domestic Dumping

Sherwood Ross: How About Tougher Laws To Protect Animals? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Forced labour and rape, the new face of slavery in America

Sheila Samples: Religious Leaders Call for Civil Disobedience if Laws Don't Respect Faith

Sheila Samples: Beck's plan: Rally followers, sell books - Kenneth P. Vogel

Sheila Samples: UK paper questions Iraq war timing

Sheila Samples: Lest We Forget: Kennedy Killed in Dallas on this day 46 years ago (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Legislative Pileup Looms in the Senate

Sheila Samples: Patrick Kennedy Banned From Communion Over Abortion Rights Stand (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Partisan divide widens as Obama considers Afghanistan policy

Lynn Buske: Food Manufacturers and Organic Industry Lobbyists Circle the Wagons

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela's Chavez wants to see a united PSUV coming out of weekend congress

Saturday, November 21:

Eileen Fleming: Gilo and Last Straws (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: NEWS ALERT: Senate Votes to Open Health Care Debate

Sheila Samples: Prison holds promise for job-strapped town

Rob Kall: And They Have 60; Landrieu and Lincoln End First Phase of Senate Drama (20 comments)

Sheila Samples: Britain knew CIA tortured detainee

Sheila Samples: Landrieu, a Holdout, Will Support Democrats' Health Bill

Sheila Samples: White House at odds with bishops over abortion

Sheila Samples: US to drop shooting case against Blackwater guard

Sheila Samples: Suicides in US Army At Record Levels (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Bill Moyers to Leave Weekly Television

Sheila Samples: China mine explosion kills 42, traps 66

Don Smith: Conyers Derides White House Strategy on Health Care

Margaret Bassett: Companies Selling More Debt to Buy Stock, do Deals

Margaret Bassett: The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a Health Risk and Environmental Nightmare (1 comments)

Friday, November 20:

Sheila Samples: Klan plans a university-approved pep rally on the campus of Ole Miss (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Scientists restart Big Bang machine

OilGuy: Water – Not Oil is Central Asia's Most Precious Resource

Ginger McClemons: BBC News - 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Peru

Sheila Samples: Lawmakers To Take Up Impeachment Proceedings Against Sanford (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Glenn Beck to announce ‘big plan' for 2010 (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Ethics Committee chides Burris for misleading statements on appointment

Sheila Samples: Sen. Nelson will vote for motion to push health bill forward in Senate

Sheila Samples: Gates: No handover to Afghan forces any time soon

Sheila Samples: Islamabad under pressure over Blackwater presence

Joan Brunwasser: FDL Book Salon Welcomes Maggie Mahar, Money-Driven Medicine: The Real Reason Health Care Costs So Much

Sheila Samples: Short Selling American Lives: Deutsche Bank Life Insurance Fund in Hot Water

James Fox: Abandoned Pets Since 2007 Estimated at 1 to 2 Million (1 comments)

Darren Wolfe: Ron Paul's Amendment Passes Committee!

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela: Zamorian farm in in full production; a beacon for agrarian reform

Sheila Samples: Torture Memo Author Sets Up Defense Fund to Fight Possible Impeachment

Sheila Samples: Religious Leaders Unite Against Abortion and Same-Sex Unions

Sheila Samples: Guidelines Push Back Age for Cervical Cancer Tests

Sheila Samples: Lawmakers Call Ft. Hood Shootings ‘Terrorism'

OilGuy: The Great Geopolitical Battle Over Energy Transit Routes (1 comments)

Thursday, November 19:

Sheila Samples: Eight Fort Hood wounded will still deploy (3 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Michael Pollan: Help Protect Our Farmers From Assaults By Monsanto - The True Food Network (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: $3M Awarded in KBR Rape Case (1 comments)


Margaret Bassett: Geithner Hopes for Quick End to Bailout Program

Margaret Bassett: Stocks Fall as Rising Dollar Lures Investors

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Reach a Record High

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: US protest by 9/11 responders

Sheila Samples: Belgian PM named as EU president

Sheila Samples: Joe Lieberman slams public option, brushes off critics (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Sanford actions may have broken law, ethics panel finds

Deborah Emin: A Letter from Jennie Green about Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Capitol Briefing - Fort Hood hearing focuses on homegrown threats, 'political correctness'

Sheila Samples: White House backs off cancer test guidelines

Sheila Samples: Tony Blair Has Dropped Out Of The Race To Be EU President

Sheila Samples: Fox News displays old campaign footage to claim Palin is getting ‘huge crowds' at her book signings

Sheila Samples: New tale of Detroit's woe: Pontiac Silverdome sold for $583,000

Eric Lotke: Obama's Home And The Report Is Out: China Takes Us To School (8 comments)

Dori Sig: International Moneytary Fund - kiss of death ?

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: INTI Pedro Moreno: On the front line of agrarian reform in Venezuela's Lara State

R-CALF USA: 40 Groups Disagree with USDA's Latest BSE Court Submission; Agency Poised to Conform to Global Edict Instead of Domestic (9 comments)

Tim Alexander, Earl of Stirling: BIOTERRORISM IN THE UKRAINE? (7 comments)

Ronnie Sue Ambrosino: *Net Equity for Madoff Victims-Supported by Numerous Attorneys

Sheila Samples: US warns Iran over nuclear standoff

Bettye Johnson: Deception, Lies and Gullibility (2 comments)

Wednesday, November 18:

Sheila Samples: Report: CIA torture prison found in Lithuania (7 comments)

Sheila Samples: Dissection of Palin's 'Going Rogue' begins (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Obama says decision on Afghanistan troops still weeks away

Sheila Samples: Jordan's king rejects pro-Israeli anti-Iran plans

Martha Rosenberg: Pediatric Zyprexa Brochures Embarrass British Health Service (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Getting Serious about Tackling Corruption: Afghan Attorney General to Indict Five Leading Politicians - SPIEGEL ONLINE -

Sheila Samples: VIDEO: Obama: I'd Fire Afghan Decision Leakers (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Clinton visits Afghanistan with message on corruption

Sheila Samples: Reid bill would cost $849B, expand coverage to 31 million people, aide says

Margaret Bassett: Wells Fargo Settles Lawsuit Over Auction-Rate Securities -

Margaret Bassett: Obama Orders Financial Fraud Task Force Beefed Up

Don Smith: How the US Funds the Taliban (1 comments)

Roger Shuler: Will Obama Appoint "Rabid Republican" to Key Alabama Post?

Margaret Bassett: Obama Bids China Farewell with Great Wall Tour, Modest Expectations

Don Smith: Senators have tough questions for Holder -

Tuesday, November 17:

Ed Tubbs: The earwig and soldier suicide

Ed Tubbs: Through Sara Palin, Billy Mays lives (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: C Street House No Longer Tax Exempt

Sheila Samples: Nato chief promises Afghanistan will get 'substantially more forces' (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: US against unilateral Palestinian state move

Sheila Samples: Obama threatens Iran, Hu urges dialogue

Joan Brunwasser: Obama lawyers to Democrat alleging political prosecution: Go back to jail

Georgianne Nienaber: International Court Acquits Suspect in Murder of Dian Fossey

Sheila Samples: U.S. 'dismayed' at Israel plan to build 900 homes beyond Green Line

Margaret Bassett: Dream-Home Raffles Having Mixed Success

Margaret Bassett: Under Friendly Veneer, China Pushes Back on Obama

Sheila Samples: IRS settles with 14,700 over foreign accounts

Sheila Samples: Obama asks Republican Pearce to step down from pipeline post

Roger Shuler: Will Justice Move Forward Now that Karl Rove's Buddy Has Left the White House? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: War-torn nations 'most corrupt'

Rob Kall: Newsweek Taps Bush Aide For Obama Reporting

Sheila Samples: UN nuclear chief in secret talks with Iran over deal to end sanctions

Ann Garrison: DU weapons use in Iraq; drastic birth defects in Fallujah (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Govt May Get Billions Under Forbes' Divorce Decree - ABC News

Martha Rosenberg: Are You Eating This Pork? (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: National intelligence director to evaluate CIA missions

Margaret Bassett: AP IMPACT: Tobacco Execs Quickly Find Tax Loophole

Margaret Bassett: Tax Amnesty Program Ends with Calls for Stricter Legislation

Margaret Bassett: China Is Sending More Students to U.S. (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Michael Scott Through the Years - a Suicide (3 comments)

Monday, November 16:

Rick Rozoff: Pentagon's Global Reach: Around The World In 12 Days

M. Wizard: 49 Million Americans Going Hungry

Sheila Samples: Israel gaffe reveals 'Iran ship photos' were forged

Sheila Samples: IAEA allays concerns on Iran, raises questions

Sherwood Ross: Will We Ever Stop The Killings? (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: House Health Bill Includes Medicaid Relief for States

Margaret Bassett: Little Benefit Seen, So Far, in Electronic Patient Records

Sheila Samples: Seymour Hersh claims US nuke team already in Islamabad

Sheila Samples: Hutchison says she's staying in Senate during Texas gubernatorial race

Sheila Samples: Texas accounts for half of executions in US – but now has doubts over death row

Sheila Samples: Report: More Americans going hungry (1 comments)

Don Smith: Big Insurance Kills

David Fiderer: The Moral Compass Missing From The Greatest Trade Ever

Sheila Samples: Drug Makers Raising Prices Before Reform

Press Release: Each Day 16 Americans Get Killed Due to Poor Worker Safety Laws

Rob Kall: Drug Makers Raise Prices in Face of Health Care Reform

Sheila Samples: House, Senate panels ready to investigate Fort Hood shootings

Sheila Samples: Palestinians to seek UN support

Muhammad Khurshid: 'US shifted TTP leaders to Afghanistan'

gang stalking: What is Gang Stalking? (1 comments)

Ginger McClemons: One Young Teenager's Determination To Aid The Suffering Of Abandoned Pets (2 comments)

Sunday, November 15:

gang stalking: Gang Stalking vs Mobbing vs Citizen Vigilantism vs Cellphone Stalking

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela's Media Minister: End tensions only through direct negotiations with USA

Margaret Bassett: Dozens of Gitmo Detainees Finally Get Day in Court


Joan Brunwasser: Malpractice for Profit: Legal Drugs That Kill

Sheila Samples: Veto-wielding China says 'no' to Iran sanctions

Sheila Samples: US blocks release of Iraq, Afghanistan torture photos

Sheila Samples: FDA finds bits of steel, rubber in Genzyme drugs

James Fox: Repo Homes for Sale Attracting More Investors, Survey Says

Sheila Samples: Cryptographic voting debuts

Sheila Samples: Broadcast pioneer NBC prepares for cable takeover

Sheila Samples: High Costs Weigh on Troop Debate for Afghan War

Sheila Samples: McCain camp: Palin account 'all fiction' - Andy Barr and Jonathan Martin (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists'

Margaret Bassett: High Costs Weigh on Troop Debate for Afghan War

Margaret Bassett: World Leaders Agree to Delay a Deal on Climate Change

Sheila Samples: Is Karzai losing US support?

Sheila Samples: Apec rejects trade protectionism

Sheila Samples: 'Occupation will never bring liberation to Afghanistan'

gang stalking: Areas to Consider When Researching Gang Stalking (1 comments)

Saturday, November 14:

Sandy Shanks: The Ongoing Saga of Afghanistan

Margaret Bassett: Illinois Next Gitmo? House Republicans Say No

OilGuy: The Untapped Energy Riches of Uzbekistan (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: For Holder, much wrestling over decision

Sheila Samples: Obama, in Japan, Says U.S. Will Study Status of a Marine Base on Okinawa

Ginger McClemons: H1N1 (Swine) Flu Confirmed in Iowa Cat

Mac McKinney: CHARLES DICKENS' AMERICA: UN Investigator Accuses US of Shameful Neglect of Homeless

Margaret Bassett: Columbus Council Denies Permit to 'Patriots for Freedom'

Margaret Bassett: Alan Keyes to Stump for GOP House Hopeful in Kansas

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela: Communal Councils in Lara launch Socialist building brigades

James Fox: Foreclosures for Sale High in 10 States with Budget Problems

Friday, November 13:

Sheila Samples: Israel 'personally attacking human rights group' after Gaza war criticism

Sheila Samples: Top U.S. official: We won't accept partial settlement freeze - Haaretz - Israel News

Sheila Samples: Goldstone to Haaretz: U.S. does not have to protect Israel blindly

Sheila Samples: UN studies homeless victims of American property dream

Sheila Samples: Huge Rise in Birth Defects in Falluja

Don Smith: FACT CHECK - Palin's Book Goes Rogue on Some Facts

M. Wizard: Obama Eyes Domestic Spending Freeze (1 comments)

Jiesheng Li: Obama finally appoints a USAID Adminstrator

Margaret Bassett: Seeking Revival, City to Buy Land in Coney Island

Margaret Bassett: Asia's Week Ahead: Obama Tour, Data In Focus

Margaret Bassett: Job Losses Both Deep and Enduring, Especially for the Young

Margaret Bassett: Fed Bans Overdraft Fees Without Opt-in

Margaret Bassett: Troubled Bay Area Banks Begin to Topple

Lynn Buske: Grocers Irked Over Not Being Told That Bestselling Soy Milk is No Longer Organic (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Another Afghan war: Media leaks spark administration fight

Sheila Samples: Lcross Mission Finds Water on Moon, NASA Scientists Say

Sheila Samples: Insurer enlists employees to fight health reform

Sheila Samples: N.Y. congressional race not yet certified

Margaret Bassett: Alavi Foundation: Complaint Comes at Delicate Time for US, Iran

Eileen Fleming: From Sgt. Pepper's to Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's 'Plan' (1 comments)

James Fox: Bank Foreclosure Listings Slow in Sarasota as Banks Wait

Christian Avard: Dahr Jamail: Honoring The Vets Who Go Unnoticed

Sheila Samples: RNC to opt out of abortion coverage

James Fox: Las Vegas Foreclosures for Sale Kept Home Prices at Bay

Patrick J. O'Donoghue: Venezuela's Chavez slams poor government planning, discipline, failure to apologize

Margaret Bassett: Craig Steps Down as White House Lawyer

gone: Current Threat Level by

Rick Rozoff: 1989-2009: Moving The Berlin Wall To Russia's Borders (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: White House counsel poised to give up post

Sheila Samples: Weak allies limit Obama's options

Thursday, November 12:

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: RNC and Religious Right Hypocrisy on Abortion

Rob Kall: Glenn Beck Loses Lawsuit Over ‘Murder And Rape' Website

Margaret Bassett: Housing Agency's Cash Reserves Down Sharply

Margaret Bassett: Rebuilding Its Economy, Iraq Shuns U.S. Businesses (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Hasan Charged with 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder

Sheila Samples: John King to Replace Lou Dobbs; Focus Will Be on Political News

Don Smith: Dede Scozzafava: GOP not based on 'substance'

Sheila Samples: Petraeus urges Nato Afghan boost

Nicole Johnson: The Festering Fraud behind Food Safety Reform

Eric Lotke: What Chinese Currency Manipulation Looks Like (6 comments)

Rob Kall: From EFF's Secret Files: Anatomy of a Bogus Subpoena

Sheila Samples: U.S. Adviser to Kurds Stands to Reap Oil Profits

Sheila Samples: Obama Purposely Taking Time on Troop Decision

Sheila Samples: Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum on same-sex marriage issue (3 comments)

Sheila Samples: Hasan to be charged with premeditated murder, Army official says

Joan Brunwasser: Afghan's "Bravest Woman" Calls on US to Leave (8 comments)

Sheila Samples: US envoy opposed to Afghan surge (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: SWINE FLU VACCINE ALERT: VA Teen Diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome after Taking Shot

Mac McKinney: Scahill: Obama may be afraid of Blackwater

Margaret Bassett: Suspect's Apartment Yields Possible Clues, Questions (1 comments)

Robert Arend: NYT: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: U.S. Envoy Urges Caution on Forces for Afghanistan

Wednesday, November 11:

Velvet Revolution: Mike Connell's Family suspects he was Murdered (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN

Georgianne Nienaber: Ashley Judd: Please, Population Control is Not the Answer for Congo (5 comments)

Sheila Samples: Veteran CNN anchorman Lou Dobbs resigns on-air

Sheila Samples: U.S. ambassador dissents on Afghan troop increase

Sheila Samples: Settlers 'stone' school children

Sheila Samples: Gorbachev Says Obama Should Start Afghan Withdrawal

Don Smith: Many Still Believe That Saddam Hussein Was Behind 9/11, and Now We Have Some Idea Why | | AlterNet (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Report Offers Snapshot of Union Labor Today

Margaret Bassett: Plunging Revenue Squeezes State Budgets Further

Don Smith: Obama discusses final options for troop increase in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: THE INFLUENCE GAME: Bishops shape health care bill

Sheila Samples: Hasan did not formally seek to leave military, Army official says

Sheila Samples: PM on US talks: All will become clear

Sheila Samples: Dodd upsets banks with plan for a single bank overseer

Sheila Samples: 3 Top Obama Advisers Favor Adding Troops in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: President, at Service, Hails Fort Hood's Fallen

gone: Software companies eye key patent case in Supreme Court By Joelle Tessler

gone: Social networking site fined, must overhaul practices (Reuters)

Margaret Bassett: Power for U.S. From Russia's Old Nuclear Weapons

Margaret Bassett: Where Deep Pockets Might Matter Most in 2010

gone: A uniquely sculpted living space by the canal By LAUREL BAKER

gone: Cyber War: Sabotaging the System

gone: What DNS Is Not by Paul Vixie

Viki_FL: Tampa police: Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist by Jamal Thalji, St. Pete Times

Tuesday, November 10:

Sheila Samples: German Chancellor Merkel Calls For A “New Global Order”

Sheila Samples: Murdoch: I'll sue the BBC

Don Smith: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend on Abortion and Catholics

Sheila Samples: US denies Pakistan nuclear report

Sheila Samples: Blackwater Approved $1 Million in Iraqi Payments After Shootings

gone: Judge dismisses 'Adult Services' Craigslist suit By MIKE ROBINSON

Emmanuel D Tayari: Julius. K .Nyerere Unsung Hero Of Africa Who Made Nelson Mandela

Kevin Anthony Stoda: NETWORKS AGAINST NAZIS, NPD MARCHES STOPPED?, & Other Anti-Fascist News from Germany

Sheila Samples: Suspect confesses to killing Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller

Ursula Siebert: Where were you when the Wall came down?

Sheila Samples: West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel

gone: Pro surfer in California says shark broke his board — and his nerve By Alia Wilson

Sheila Samples: Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower

Sheila Samples: Dunn leaving White House, Pfeiffer takes over

Sheila Samples: Westboro Baptist Church Protests Outside Obama Girls' School (2 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Bomb Blast Kills Dozens Near Peshawar

Roger Shuler: Republicans Try to Shoot the Messenger on Corruption in Alabama (4 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Fort Hood Suspect: Portrait of a Terrorist?

Margaret Bassett: Lebanon's Hariri, Hezbollah Form New Government

Sheila Samples: Senator and doctor Tom Coburn offers no easy prescriptions for the country

Sheila Samples: The Responsibility of the US in Contaminating Iraq with Depleted Uranium

Sheila Samples: US appellate court blocks lawsuit against extraordinary rendition and torture

gone: Women Are Overtaking Men in the U.S.

Sheila Samples: Employment Bill Called ‘Corporate Giveaway'

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan: Karzai rival 'withdrew under US pressure'

Monday, November 9:

Joan Brunwasser: Exclusive: Mike Connell's Family Copes With His Mysterious Death

Sheila Samples: Obama, Netanyahu to meet as U.S. peace bid flounders

Mac McKinney: Top Bailed-out Banks to Pay $30 Billion in Bonuses

Richmond Shreve: Settles Suits Over Deceptive Invitations - Bits Blog -

Margaret Bassett: Collapse Feared for Palestinian Authority if Abbas Resigns

Don Smith: United Against Afghanistan Escalation

Sheila Samples: Murdoch Could Block Google Searches Entirely (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Scores Die in El Salvador Floods

Sheila Samples: Pfizer Broke the Law by Promoting Drugs for Unapproved Uses

Margaret Bassett: International Prosecution of Senior Kenyan Politicians for Post-Election Violence Looks Inevitable

Sheila Samples: Some Democrats to fight abortion amendment in health bill

Eileen Fleming: The Walls of Berlin and Bil'in

gone: Lee Harvey Oswald photo real: Computer expert By Tiffany Crawford (1 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Despite Censorship By Beef Magnate, Michael Pollan Spreads Message About the Real Price of Cheap Food

Dori Sig: No American Ambassador and strange justice in Iceland (1 comments)

Ann Garrison: Rwanda Greens, the Commonwealth, and Rwanda's 2010 elections

Sheila Samples: Prepare for war, Chavez tells army (2 comments)

Sunday, November 8:

Rev. Dan Vojir: Pastor Gary Cass: Let's Get Together For A Good Ole Christian Hatefest! (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US Senators Act to Force Recognition of Jerusalem as Capital

Sheila Samples: PM heads to U.S. under threat of Palestinian statehood declaration

Sheila Samples: Hezbollah gears up for new war

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan; more troops may not be the answer, says Obama adviser (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: U.S. Gen. Casey says more troops needed for Afghanistan

Cenerentola: We're Not There Yet, But Health-Care Legislation Takes Giant Step Forward (31 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Senate, House Health-Care Legislation: Side-by-Side Comparison

Margaret Bassett: House Democrats Who Voted Against the Health Care Bill - Interactive Graphic

Sheila Samples: Afghanistan Rejects UN Criticism of Karzai

Sheila Samples: Lieberman Pledges To Filibuster House Bill: The Public Option Is ‘Unnecessary'

Sheila Samples: Former US Embassy hostage handed Iran post

Sheila Samples: Israel says threat of attack on Iran, no bluff (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Investigation Into Fort Hood Shootings Turns Up No Link to Terror Plot

Sherwood Ross: U.S. Presses Pakistan on Securing Nukes (1 comments)

gone: Meg Whitman's charitable foundation's biggest benefactor was environmental group by Ken McLaughlin

gone: Google allows users to view, delete personal information By Sarah Schmidt (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Glossy Chronicle to Turn Page on Printing

Saturday, November 7:

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Healthcare bill clears House

Rob Kall: House Passes Health Care Bill 220 to 215 (2 comments)

Rob Kall: Abortion deal as Dems try to reach 218 (2 comments)

Sheila Samples: Declassified FBI file: AIPAC staffer spied for Israel

Margaret Bassett: Army Releases Names of All 13 Killed in Shootings

Sheila Samples: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs

Sheila Samples: 'Iran mindful of Caspian Sea interests'

Sheila Samples: EXCLUSIVE: Rare virus poses new threat to troops

Margaret Bassett: Coal Ash from U.S. Blamed for Dominican Town's Birth Defects

Margaret Bassett: Obama Leaning Toward 34,000 More Troops for Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Pool of military recruits increasingly unfit

Sheila Samples: More than 25 troops wounded during search -

Sheila Samples: House Republicans plan to vote unanimously against health-care measure

Sheila Samples: NATO Soldiers Missing as Taliban Reports Recovery of Two Bodies

Sherwood Ross: 800,000 Americans Busted Annually For Pot (5 comments)

Larry Gross: United Nations Investigates Affordable Housing Crisis in LA (2 comments)

gone: Charles and Camilla in B.C.: Have you practised your proper curtsy? By Susan Lazaruk (1 comments)

Friday, November 6:

Don Smith: Can We Talk About Religion, Please? - The Moral of the Story Blog

Sheila Samples: Palestinians take down parts of WB wall

Sheila Samples: Jayson Blair: On Making Up News

Ann Garrison: Greens fight for rights in Kagame's Rwanda

Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir: Opportunities for Decentralization in Morocco

Sheila Samples: Afghan insurgents learn to destroy key U.S. armored vehicle (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: US soldiers 'drown' in Afghanistan

Sheila Samples: Unemployment rate rises above 10% ; Obama signs jobless benefit extension

gone: 10 Hockey Terms You Should Know buy the book

Eric Lotke: New Unemployment, Old Solutions

Margaret Bassett: Employment Costs Rise at Slowest Pace Since 1982

Teresa Hommel: New Yorkers, help pass Resolution 2236, to KEEP OUR LEVER MACHINES! (1 comments)

gone: Friesinger-Postma pulls out of German champs by Jens Meyer

gone: Colbert goes for gold with U.S. Speedskating By Jake Coyle

OilGuy: Are There Any Realistic Alternatives To Oil And Gas (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Health-Reform Protest Becomes Bachmann Love-in — Democrats Insist they Love that, too

Sheila Samples: Holocaust Imagery at Protest Organized by Michele Bachmann

Sheila Samples: Astroturf In Action: Right-Wing Billionaire David Koch Pays For 40 Buses To Haul In Protesters

Ed Tubbs: If you won't discuss this, may God help us all (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: What is Known about Nidal Malik Hasan and Fort Hood Shooting

sibel edmonds: Another Neocon Makes Turkish Ties & Connections Official (5 comments)

Judith Acosta: Just Another Kid Losing It With a Gun—PART II

Roger Shuler: Could New Revelations Blow the Roof Off GOP Corruption? (2 comments)

Margaret Bassett: F.D.A. Fighting False Online Claims About Swine Flu Treatments

Margaret Bassett: Grand Plans for Rail in Denver Hit a Wall of Fiscal Realities

gone: George Soros Lauds Chinese Model Of Goverment – Wants Global Governance Under UN Security Council

Thursday, November 5:

Richmond Shreve: Does Technology Reduce Social Isolation? - Bits Blog -

Sheila Samples: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

Dahr Jamail: Award-winning Journalist Dahr Jamail Analyzes Military Shooting, Interviews Soldiers Inside Ft. Hood (11 comments)

gone: Wal-Mart slashes DVD prices to $10, potentially spurring price war by Ben Fritz

gone: Roosevelt's Supreme Court by TIME video

gone: Pot found in star pitcher's car during I-5 speed stop BY SCOTT HEWITT

gone: Army: 12 die, 31 wounded in Fort Hood shooting By JAY ROOT

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: UN endorses Goldstone report (2 comments)

Andrew Kreig: Fans of House Health Option Cite Rights, Hopes, But Risk Big Defeat

Jennifer Hathaway: Fort Hood Shootings: In Depth/ Background Coverage (1 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Continuing Updates: Army Officer Opens Fire At Fort Hood; death toll rises to 13; 30 wounded; gunman shot, hospitalized

Jennifer Hathaway: Girardi: A Real MVP

gone: 35 honoured in Order of Canada ceremony CBC News

Mac McKinney: Italian Prosecutor in Case Against CIA Operatives Hails Convictions for '03 Kidnapping of Egyptian Cleric (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Fort Hood Death toll now at 12; Suspects are U.S. soldiers (9 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Shudder Speed (5 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Farmers Skirt Rules on Gene-Altered Crops, Report Says

Sheila Samples: Pentagon pursuing new investigation into Bush propaganda program | Raw Story

Sheila Samples: Gunmen with M-16s kill at least 7 at Fort Hood in Texas | McClatchy

Sheila Samples: Abu Omar Case: Italian Court Delivers Damning Verdict on CIA Renditions

Sheila Samples: Video: UN pulls out half its Afghanistan staff and threatens total withdrawal

Sheila Samples: Senate panel approves Democratic climate bill

Sheila Samples: Taliban Has Infiltrated Afghan Police, Ex-U.K. Soldier Says

Roger Shuler: Justice Creeps Forward in an Alabama Racial Prosecution

Sheila Samples: Kerik Enters Guilty Plea in Corruption Case

Don Smith: Dog's eco-footprint a Hummer, study says (1 comments)

Richmond Shreve: PayPal for your Pizza?

Stanimal: Inmates Come To Guard Aid In Attack

Judith Acosta: Just Another Kid Losing it With A Gun – PART I

Martha Rosenberg: Clotheslines Are Back--and So Are Their Problems (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Senate acts to extend unemployment benefits, expand home-buyer tax credit

Wednesday, November 4:

Sheila Samples: Michele Bachmann, Tea Partiers Prepare For Last Stand On Health Care | TPMDC

Linda Milazzo: BREAKING: Yankees Win World Series; Beat Phillies 7-3

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: UN 'to reduce' Afghan mission size

gone: B.C. mother weeps over footage of daughter's jail cell hanging By Frank Peebles


Sheila Samples: Honduras de facto leader 'to quit'

Margaret Bassett: Ex-British Ambassador: CIA Brought Prisoners To Uzbekistan To Be ‘Raped With Broken Bottles'

Robert Arend: The Obama Administration: October 17-31, 2009

David Bloys: Elected Official Steals $140,000 Gets 60 Days Jail Time


Sheila Samples: Hospital bill stuns slain student's parents

Sheila Samples: Auto Industry Poker Game Ends: GM Makes Shock Decision To Keep Opel

Richmond Shreve: Root Causes: Population Growth

Don Smith: A Court Decision That Reflects What Type of Country the US Is |

Sheila Samples: Al Jazeera English - Europe - Italy convicts CIA rendition agents

Sheila Samples: UN debates Goldstone report

Don Smith: Good news from the (upper) left coast

Sheila Samples: Clinton Backs Peace Talks Before Israeli Settlement Freeze

M. Wizard: 70 Percent of Young Americans Are Unfit for Military Duty

Margaret Bassett: UN General Assembly to Take up Goldstone Report on Gaza War Crimes

Ross McCluney: Students Oppose Nuclear Dumping in Tennesee

Sheila Samples: Abdullah Says Karzai's Confirmation as Afghan President Illegal

Sheila Samples: FBI knew of CIA torture, considered prosecution

Sheila Samples: U.S. hope dims for high-level Israeli-Palestinian talks over state -

Margaret Bassett: C.I.A. Rendition Trial Nears Verdict

Margaret Bassett: Senior U.S. Envoy Meets With Aung San Suu Kyi

Linda Milazzo: BREAKING: Democrat Beats Back Teabaggers in NY "23"; Republican Governors win VA & NJ; Gay Marriage Loses In Maine (2 comments)

Mac McKinney: Congress Grovels to AIPAC Again: Goldstone Report Dissed (1 comments)

gone: Justice Denied: Voices from Guantánamo by Joel Engardio

Tuesday, November 3:

Sheila Samples: Diane Sawyer Uses Glenn Beck To Attack Al Gore For Not Eating ‘Tofurkey' (1 comments)

Sherwood Ross: Chomsky: Obama Continues Bush Mideast Policy (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Christie defeats incumbent Corzine in N.J. gubernatorial race

Brasch: Lawsuit Accuses WSU's Murrow College of Violating Journalism Professor's First Amendment Rights

Mary Wentworth: And the US Mission in Afghanistan is ??? (3 comments)

gone: Berkshire Buys Burlington in Buffett's Biggest Deal By Andrew Frye

Roger Shuler: Artist Strikes a Blow For First Amendment in Alabama (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: BREAKING: Republican Wins Virginia Governor Race

Sheila Samples: Raw Story: Bush's interrogators used slaps to ‘instill fear and despair' By Larisa Alexandrovna

Sheila Samples: US House rejects Goldstone report

Amanda Mueller: A Matter of Credibility: Roxana Saberi, Military Intelligence Ties, Inconsistencies and Reporting from Iran (1 comments)

M. Wizard: Obama Administration Helps House Democrat Gut Post-Enron Reforms

Sheila Samples: House Ethics Probes: All Black, No White

Sheila Samples: Mt. Kilimanjaro Ice Cap Continues Rapid Retreat, Study Says (1 comments)

gone: Italians outraged as European court rules against crucifixes By Nick Squires

Sheila Samples: Exclusive: U.S. drafts Afghan 'Compact' it hopes will bolster new Karzai government | McClatchy

Margaret Bassett: Mega-Green Tower to Rise Near Mid-Market Blight

Margaret Bassett: Vote Today on Granting Shipyard Developer Delay

Margaret Bassett: Altamont Landfill's Gas Fuels Garbage Trucks

Margaret Bassett: New Factory in Pittsburg is No Pipe Dream

Margaret Bassett: Berkshire Bets on U.S. With Purchase of Railroad

OilGuy: Interdependence, Integration and Investment: The Ineluctable Need to Find New Emerging Oil Players

gone: New Almaden cemetery traces ghastly history By Stephen Baxter

Sheila Samples: North Korea warns US: negotiate or else

Sheila Samples: Some Democrats concerned over abortion provision in health bill

gone: Donald Sterling to pay record $2.725 million in discrimination lawsuit By Scott Glover

gone: President Obama Announces Tribal Nations Conference

Rick Rozoff: ABC Of West's Global Military Network: Afghanistan, Baltics, Caucasus

Kimberly Hartke: Issue 2 Will Hurt Small Farms in Ohio--Please Vote NO

Amanda Mueller: Israeli Settler Arrested for Murder and Bombings: Jack Tietel (2 comments)

Joan Brunwasser: Fixing Bugs in the Ballot

Margaret Bassett: When Bills Go to Conference Committee, What Happens?

Don Smith: t r u t h o u t | What Obama Is Up Against (3 comments)

Monday, November 2:

Sheila Samples: US will not alter Iran nuclear deal

Sheila Samples: Boehner, Skelton want more on Afghan

Sheila Samples: Karzai win complicates White House strategy for Afghanistan

Stanimal: China 2nd In Research to U.S. & To Surpass It Within 10 Years (3 comments)

gone: Charles, Camilla kick start Canada tour in N.L. Canwest News Service (1 comments)

gone: Attorney General spokesman Scott Gerber resigns

OilGuy: How Long Can The Gold Bull Keep On Charging?

gone: Rape victim still haunted by memories of 'monster' By Sherri Zickefoose

gone: Obama administration: Toss wiretap lawsuit By DEVLIN BARRETT

Sheila Samples: Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes

Sheila Samples: US backs Karzai's presidential win

Sheila Samples: Clinton counters Arab anger over Israel settlements

Sherwood Ross: Obama Resumes Bush's Extraordinary Renditions (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: Afghan election commission declares Karzai winner

gone: Overburdened Dept. Of Health And Human Services Cancels Flu Season says

M. Wizard: Democrats' Quiet Changes Pile Up

Stanimal: 112 Year Old somali Man Marries 17 Year Old Bride

R-CALF USA: Stop the Hemorrhaging in U.S. Live Cattle Industry: Producers to President, Congress, USDA and Justice

Krishna Hari Pushkar: Nepal's Dual Citizenship: A Suicidal Decision?

Sunday, November 1:

Sheila Samples: US criticised over stand on Israel

Sheila Samples: Lender CIT Group files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

Rob Kall: Senate, White House agree on reporter protections, including protecting Bloggers and CItizen Journalists

Rob Kall: Jon Krakauer: McChrystal's Explanation For Pat Tillman Cover-up Is "Preposterous"

Rick Rozoff: Bulgaria, Romania: U.S., NATO Bases For War In The East (1 comments)

Zin Linn: ASEAN should respect its moral values

Sheila Samples: Clinton Asks Abbas to Return to Talks

Judith Acosta: Chicken Tenders and the Decline of American Civilization (8 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Judge Orders DOJ To Turn Over Abu Zubaydah's Diaries to Defense Attorneys | The Public Record

Martha Rosenberg: Aren't You Glad Your Doctor Completed Pharma's CMEs? (1 comments)

gone: A rare conviction - for perjury MICHAEL DUFFY

gone: Palestinians accuse U.S. of killing peace prospects By Jeffrey Heller

gone: El Dorado Hills couple sues neighbor over cigarette smoke ShareThis Buzz up! By Cathy Locke

Margaret Bassett: South Waziristan: Pakistani Army Finds Jihadi Passports

gone: Prince Charles and Camilla are visiting, and most Canadians don't really care By Janice Kennedy (4 comments)

Sheila Samples: Clinton praises Israel for 'unprecedented' concessions -

Margaret Bassett: A Combat Role, and Anguish, Too

Margaret Bassett: Health-care Reform Likely to be Shaped in Statehouses

Margaret Bassett: Why Google Doesn't Like Its Phone Bill

M. Wizard: 400,000 Names on FBI Watch List (1 comments)

Margaret Bassett: King Memorial Gets Construction Permits

Sheila Samples: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash


Complete Archives