Archives for Life Arts

November 2010

Tuesday, November 30:

Stakes Are High and Time Is Short for This Week's UN Climate Change Conference (2 comments)

Controlling Cholesterol & Beating Heart Disease (3 comments)

National Insecurity : Anxiety in America (2 comments)

Monday, November 29:

Judy White's Giving Thanks for Prison Visit: It's All Relative (2 comments)

Sunday, November 28:

Let's Invade Mexico! by Fred Reed

The Prayer for the Gulf/Drew Landry Sings

Saturday, November 27:

Serendipity: Fighting and Singing Insects

Will President Obama win in 2012? An Astrology Analysis

Friday, November 26:

Fire (2 comments)

Truth About Global Economic Crisis: Book Review (1 comments)

Heeling the World, Healing Ourselves (1 comments)

Poem to a Tiny "Snow Leopard" (4 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *When Will Winner-Take-All Politics End? (BOOK REVIEW) (2 comments)

Thursday, November 25:

Photo-Americana: A Thanksgiving Day in Williamsburg (1 comments)

Shooting An Elephant, by George Orwell (1 comments)

Society for the Ethical Treatment of Fictional Characters

Wednesday, November 24:

Don't Touch My Junk (the TSA Hustle) Song/Video by Michael Adams

A Book Review of "The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (2004)," by Chalmers Johnson (2 comments)

Tuesday, November 23:

'100 percent' chance for life on newly found planet? -" This Just In - Blogs (8 comments)

Focus on New Orleans: Four College Grads Reflect on Volunteering

Monday, November 22:

L.A. County passes sweeping ban on plastic bags | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

To Whom Can I Speak Today?

Getting a Heart Transplant

The Independent voter need no longer be a Floating voter (3 comments)

Dr. Hans J. Kugler, PhD on "Second Opinion" (1 comments)

Grief for Our Planet (6 comments)

The Try Try Again Project: *What's The True Purpose of Religion? (8 comments)

Seven More Modern Cubist Paintings by the Incomparable Ben Schonzeit (5 comments)

Out of Ireland : Blackberry Wine

New Way of Flying

Sunday, November 21:

Rocky Kistner: BP Oil Disaster Victims Vow Never to Forget (1 comments)

Grand Isle rally proves BP oil spill, repercussions far from over for Gulf Coast residents |

Movie Review: Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 1 (5 comments)

Monkey See, Monkey Do--and now the U.S. is unhappy about it. (1 comments)

Saturday, November 20:

Focus on New Orleans: NJ Teens Talk About Volunteer Trip

The Importance of the Compassionate Mind; The Dalai Lama (10 comments)

Using Medical Marijuana for Insomnia: Maybe Not the Best Choice. (13 comments)

Haiti: Seismic Election - PEOPLE AND POWER - Al Jazeera English

UN worries its troops caused cholera in Haiti - Health- (1 comments)

Friday, November 19:

Why Haitians Don't Like UN "Peacekeepers" (UN MINUSTAH) in their Country: Video Testimonies (1 comments)

The Shadow Scholar

Amazing Discovery (3 comments)

Thomas Farrell: *Is "Material Spirit" a Contradiction in Terms? No! (BOOK REVIEW) (13 comments)

Thursday, November 18:

Target, Afghan Hero Dog , Is Euthanized by Mistake in U.S. (1 comments)

Haiti Amputees: When disaster becomes the backdrop for childhood

How do I find time to write?

Wednesday, November 17:

Caribbean reef repair 'beyond our lifetimes'

Gulf Shrimping decimated

Taurus Full Moon, 11.21.2010 (4 comments)

Worshipping the Water Buddha (2 comments)

Unsavory Truths (1 comments)

Pakistan Wins First International Pageant Title - Tahmena Bokhari crowned Mrs. United Nations 2010

Tuesday, November 16:

Book Review: David Swanson's War Is A Lie (2 comments)

Monday, November 15:

Ocean waves getting bigger, and stronger -

Haiti: Where is the UN? Where is the help? - Americas, World - The Independent

Neurofeedback Gains Popularity and Lab Attention: Editorial on New York Times Article (1 comments)

Robots want to clean your house - but will they do windows? (3 comments)

Sunday, November 14:

Focus on New Orleans: NJ Group's 7th Klene-Up Krewe Since Katrina

Global Warming Undermine Chocolate Availability (1 comments)

Fox's Geraldo "much more open minded' about 9/11 thanks to NYC television ads | Raw Story (2 comments)

Fair Game (the movie): The Truth Saves a Marriage and Slaps a Tyrant's Hand (1 comments)

Ada McMahon: Reeling from BP, Alabama Residents Still Seek Assistance to Rebuild after Katrina [with VIDEO]

Saturday, November 13:

"In$ide Job" Inside Out (4 comments)

May Aung San Suu Kyi's Light Shine on Tel Aviv and onto Berlin 12.12.10 (1 comments)

A Suggestion for the Thousands of Native-English Speakers Teaching Abroad: Why not create weekly Newsletters?

Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity (1 comments)

YouTube - An Interview With Catfish Miller - Shrimper Who Is Hospitalized from Gulf Toxins (1 comments)

Meet Dr Soto, a Gulf Physician not Afraid of Calling a Spade a Spade

"A Simple Twist of Fate"

Friday, November 12:

Surviving Poverty, Torture and Civil War | The LA Progressive

What Progressive Need to Do Next: Become Teachers and Storytellers (63 comments)

Focus on New Orleans: "Build for James" Project Honors Americorps Teammate

Thursday, November 11:

Press Release: Haitian Anger over Cholera Response (3 comments)

It Get's Stranger in the Gulf: Turkey Vultures Found Floating near Miami: Testing for toxins (1 comments)

If It's Too Broke, Don't Fix It! (3 comments)

Jonathan Westminster: The 15% Solution, Serialization, 1st Installment: Preface (1 comments)

Mark N: The Warrior Ethos (1 comments)

What Everything Means -

Juror Number 43 Reporting

Thomas Farrell: *Reflections on Paul Krugman's THE CONSCIENCE OF A LIBERAL (1 comments)

Wednesday, November 10:

WW2 Veterans Honored with Honor Flights to DC Monument (13 comments)

Come and Get It! Prisoners Served Expired Food, "Not for Human Consumption" (15 comments)

Haiti: Ground Truthing Cholera in Mirebalais (1 comments)

Bush v. Baker: Battle of the Books—and the Truth

Alice Dancing Under the Gallows - Official Trailer (3 comments)

Focus on New Orleans: Time Out with Jermaine Wiltz AKA Coach J

COLD (2 comments)

Tuesday, November 9:

NOW WHAT? (7 comments)

New Evidence Links BP to Health Crisis in the Gulf | | AlterNet

Haiti: Testimony From Camp Corail as Cholera Looms

Latest book by author of Dances With Wolves Looks at Wild Horses

Monday, November 8:

On Wars of All Time: Peterson and O'Hare's "An Iliad" (1 comments)

New reforms are need within the health-care Crisis in the United States (1 comments)

Sunday, November 7:

YouTube - Dr Riki Ott Discusses the BP Blowout, Health Impacts, and the Cover-up

BP Oil Spill Victims Sickened and Dying, Local Physicians Clueless (1 comments)

Saturday, November 6:

Press Release: URGENT: The Video NOAA and The FDA Are Afraid You'll Watch. Lab Finds 193 ppm Oil in Gulf Shrimp (3 comments)

Life Lessons from the Game of Baseball (2 comments)

NRDC's Gina Solomon on Trying to Pin Down the FDA for Answers

Friday, November 5:

NOAA's lead public affairs officer "demanded" website "withdraw its story" on Gulf | Florida Oil Spill Law

Don't Say "Farewell" to Campaigning Staff: A Sincere PR Tip to the Elected

Thursday, November 4:

Dahr Jamail: Is the Gulf of Mexico safe?

YouTube - Riki Ott on BP: "They've got our politicians completely hamstrung." 3/3

3 foods that can kill you in minutes (3 comments)

Bob Dylan: "The Brazil Series" Paintings & Drawings in Copenhagen (2 comments)

Solving The Problem of Biodiversity

Smokey the Bear is 65 (2 comments)

Wednesday, November 3:

Earth will take 100,000 years to recover from global warming say geologists - Telegraph (4 comments)

Head of cleanup on MS island: "Finding more and more and more oil" -- "And this is the fifth time we have come through

Time to Rebrand Haiti's Tent Cities as Tomas Approaches

100,000 Years For Earth to Recover from Global Warming

Tuesday, November 2:

Scorpio New Moon November 5-6, 2010 (1 comments)

Monday, November 1:

LSU professor: Crude oil in seafood NOT detectable by "smell test' -- "We are being lied to" | Florida Oil Spill Law

Dahr Jamail: Broad Coalition Rallies for BP Accountability

San Francisco treat! Giants win World Series - Baseball- NBC Sports

Patricia A. Smith: I'll Take Republican Game Show Hosts for 20, Alex (2 comments)

On an Indian Reservation, a Garden of Buddhas

An appreciation of the book: Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and..., by Jonathan Weiner (2 comments)

Art: The reach (7 comments)

Iran, Pulling Teeth and Wrestling with the Violence Within


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