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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 11/21/09

Weak Public Option Myths That Liberals Believe

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Kevin Gosztola
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On Saturday night, the Senate will take a procedural vote to move debate on the current health insurance enrichment bill in Congress forward.

Democratic Senators like Dick Durbin, Patrick Leahy, and Chuck Schumer, through a project called Citizens for a Public Option, have been building support for the public option and encouraging Americans to write letters to the editor that debunk health care reform myths---myths that the conservative echo chamber have been propagating.

Senators (and representatives in the House and Obama) can champion this health insurance legislation all they want and claim it will "foster greater competition in the marketplace, create more choices for consumers, and lead to lower costs and better quality for all, but doctors who have been on the front lines of America's sick care non-system do not believe many of the arguments that Democrats are using to create support for a public option.

Myth #1 " Public option will help control costs

Dr. Margaret Flowers with Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) explains that Americans have been led to believe that "the public option is going to keep companies honest and help control costs.

Obama and Congress are taking an approach that has failed to control costs time and time again.

"We've already had states that have tried this type of approach over the past few decades, says Flowers. "Every state that has tried this approach has had these grandiose hopes where they had said we're going to cover this many of hundreds of thousands of people in this time period and not a single one of them has succeeded. They've all fallen far short and then gone under financially.

Self-employed doctor, Dr. Matt Hendrickson, who risked arrest in a MobilizeforHealthcare.org action at the Cigna Offices in Glendale, CA, cites examples "from the last 20 years of states that have attempted a public option. He explains that Tennessee, Oregon, and Massachusetss (twice) have tried the public option.

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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