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Progressive Failures in the Democratic Party Benefit Greens

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Kevin Gosztola
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Dennis Kucinich’s failure to gain a significant percentage of votes in the Democratic primaries and his failure to combat media exclusion was a good thing for the Green Party. Witness the comments that came from supporters who were thinking about what to do now that the most prominent voice of discourse in the Democratic Party has called it quits to save his seat in Congress.

On the Kucinich Action Forum there was much anger:

“I will still vote for Dennis here in AZ, but after that is done, I will be withdrawing from the Democratic Party. They do not represent me anymore. Ironically THEY are REPUGnant.

I'll probably register Indpedendent until such time something better comes along, if and when it does.” –ArtistfromMars

let's NEVER FORGET what they [Democratic Party] did to us THIS TIME AROUND” –stephen

If Dennis is still on the ballot here in NY, I'll vote for him. Election- I'm done with the Democrats, guess I'll go Green –vinnycolletti

I will also be withdrawing from the Democratic party. They have betrayed us. DINOS (Democrats in Name Only!). Like the Who says: "I won't get fooled AGAIN!" –AnitaStewart

On OpEdNews.com:

After Kucinich--Green Party is the Only Alternative

Kucinich was the only serious candidate of ideas in the Dem-Repub race. Now, we need to bolster the Green Party candidates, all of whom share a platform most like Kucinich's. Don't waste good votes on Obama, Clinton, Edwards, Drooliani, Huckster, Dumbney, or McInsan. –bassclef

Greener pastures with McKinney: After donating to Kucinich's campaign and seeing what the Democrats have done to Dennis, this supporter in California will be voting for Cynthia McKinney in the Green Party primary. -GregoryW

In fact from Greens:

(Come Home to the Green Party) Articles like this one make a great point. I feel somewhat like this now that Dennis Kucinich is no longer in the race. Fortunately, we do have a choice. The Green Party has been working at the grassroots level since the 1980s to build a real alternative. We've elected candidates at local and state level across the country. As an indication of our burgeoning support, Arkansas will hold a Green Presidential Primary Election for the first time in February of this year.

Take a look at the Greens' website (www.gpus.org). If you don't like everything you see, chances are you're not alone. But, do you like everything about the Democrats? Do you agree with Senator Edwards on everything? With the Greens, you have the opportunity to get involved and influence the outcome, secure in the knowledge that we will at least have a real and substantive discussion and debate.

To me, the essence of Green politics is (1) we see that all the issues are connected, and (2) that solving our problems requires ecological design where one solution addresses more than one problem. Politicians debate the issues, but Greens solve problems. -JohnWages

Consider McKinney: And after the Dems pick Hillary we will need to have a voice in the 2008 national elections. Cynthia McKinney is running for the Green Party presidential nomination. She would pick up where Kucinich left off. -bruceg

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Kevin Gosztola is managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, "Unauthorized Disclosure." He was an editor for OpEdNews.com
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