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BREAKING 9/11 NEWS: FBI Says Barbara Olsen Did Not Call Ted Olsen. Bush Solicitor General LIED !!

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Bill Douglas
Message Bill Douglas

Nationally syndicated talk show host Charles Goyette uncovered blockbuster information in his drive-time interview with author David Ray Griffin.


A center piece of the increasingly apparent BULLSH*T story our government and corporate media have fed us for six long years was a complete fabrication!


We were fed a lie by Ted Olsen who served as Solictor General for the Bush Administration, when on 9/11 he held a press conference to tell America and the world that his dead wife had called him before her demise from the jet she was on that had just been hijacked.


Personally, I thought it was odd at the time that a man would decide to hold a press conference minutes after hearing of his own wife’s death, when it happened on 9/11.  If my own wife had just died, the last thing I’d want to do would be to talk to anyone, let alone call a press conference.  It didn’t “smell” right.


Now we know why it didn’t smell right.  It was a lie.  The FBI has reported that no such call between Barbara Olsen and Ted Olsen ever took place on 9/11/2001.


It was part of the rapidly unraveling scam that is the official story of 9/11.


In fact, Griffin went on to explain that there is zero evidence that any hijackers had commandeered a plane at all.  True Bush believers will say, whao, wait a minute, we all know they did.  How do you know?  Because Bush told you.


But, as Griffin rightly points out, in this interview, there is no “EVIDENCE” of their existence.

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By William E. Douglas, Jr., who is author of "The Amateur Parent -- A Book on Life, Death, War & Peace, and Everything Else in the Universe." Bill has been a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star, The Business Journal, and other media worldwide. (more...)
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