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A national shame: when corporate interests trump those of the American people

By       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   2 comments
Message Michael Payne

What we are witnessing taking place in the U.S. Congress is repulsive and revolting; the fact that many of our elected representatives are blatantly and shamelessly stuffing their pockets with campaign contributions from healthcare corporations when, at the same time, they have been charged with the responsibility to develop effective legislation for health care reform. This is a massive conflict of interest and a failure of these legislators to uphold their oath of office. It is a disgrace to this nation and its people, a national shame.

This gross injustice to the American people is happening in full sight of the entire body of the House and Senate; all 535 of our elected representatives. There should be a massive rejection of the shameful behavior of those who are involved with this clear conflict of interest, but there is no outcry from fellow legislators, no demands for some kind of censure, no calls for an investigation; nothing, complete silence, not a whimper, or any objection whatsoever. It is simply accepted and condoned.

What is happening in this dark scenario is not only a national shame, it is a disgrace and a scar upon the American democracy. The entire issue of health care reform is of critical importance to the future of all Americans, to small businesses and to this nation's on-going solvency. And yet, rather than the issue being taken very seriously, using objective debate and discussion, it has been turned into a feeding frenzy to obtain the campaign contributions that the special interests are dangling in front of our legislators.

The GOP, attached by the hip to their corporate masters, long ago lost its shame and conscience, so it is not the least bit surprising that Republicans are refusing to support any reform legislation. They are bought and paid for so it bothers them not a bit. But, even worse than the stance of the Republicans on this issue, is the behavior of the special group of Democrats referred to as the Blue Dogs in the House and those referred to as the Gang of Six in the Senate. These rogue Democrats are not only refusing to promote the interests of the majority of the American people but they are failing to adhere to their own party's platform that specifically calls for health care reform.

The Democratic Party platform includes a section, "Healthcare for all , which in part, states, "The American people understand that good health is the foundation of individual achievement and economic prosperity. Ensuring quality, affordable health care for every single American is essential to children's education, workers' productivity and businesses' competitiveness. We believe that covering all is not just a moral imperative, but is necessary to making our health system workable and affordable.

This Senate has now proven what many have known for some time; that it does not function as a representation of American democracy. Our nation's founders, when working to complete the U.S. Constitution, had definite misgivings with the idea of including this governmental body in the legislative process of our nation. They knew full well that the idea of having two senators from each state, no matter the population of the state, was one that could cause difficult problems in the future. But, in the spirit of bipartisanship and compromise to finish the Constitution, many of them reluctantly agreed; and now we are suffering the consequences of their decision.

This conflict of interest in both houses of Congress cannot be allowed to continue. Health care reform legislation cannot be developed that will address this massive problem under these conditions. Senators and representatives cannot honestly and truthfully adhere to their oath of office if they are accepting campaign contributions from one side of this momentous issue.

Here is the oath of office that senators take and I'm sure that many who read this will point out that is says nothing about accepting campaign contributions: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

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