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Art Photography: Winter Storm in Norfolk, Jan 30

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Most of the South was hit by snow storms last week, and Norfolk,
Virginia was no exception. A big storm hit late Friday night and
inundated the area for most of the day, piling up perhaps six inches,
maybe more in some areas. Since Norfolk doesn't get snow very often,
and this was the first fairly deep snow in a few years, this was a big
deal for everybody in terms of a sudden shutdown of many roads, because few people had been fully prepared for the onslaught, while the
kids were delighted to see real snow that you could actually play in.

that Norfolk hasn't had some real monsters in the past. I can remember
how in the Spring of 1980 one storm left six foot snow drifts
throughout Hampton Roads, all but closing down the entire area, so
being right next to the Atlantic Ocean is no guarantee you can't get

Meanwhile, since good snow IS rather infrequent,
I put on some well-treaded boots, grabbed my cameras and started taking
some local Norfolk shots of the snowfall as it tapered off on Saturday,
my run as dusk was approaching to on after darkness fell. Then I did
some more
shooting on Sunday throughout the afternoon, desirous of catching the
contrast between the snow and strong sunlight that appeared. Below are
a few of them:

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