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Democracy, Development And Empowerment of people.

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Message Kamala Sarup
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The real institutionalization of democratic development, invariably implies that national and international laws are evolved through the rational process of democratization. These have to be appropriately applied in favor of their freedom of existence, hopes, and aspirations.

In an Opinion expressed by I.K. Pradhan he recently stated: "In any free world, one has the legitimate right to live in equality, equitably to pursue one's profession, express one's political concepts through freedom of speech and expression, bearing in mind not to rupture the democratic discipline, adopt one's principle, exercise one's fundamental social rights and the right to own or dispose of one's wealth and properties, to follow one's culture, traditions, legacy, and establish a home and family relationships. But it is vital to have a sound check and balance system that functions effectively".

Thus, people are concerned with more development with economic upliftment. Efforts must be exerted to achieve a consensus towards resolving the burning problems. People are really concerned and hoping for economic progress. Empowerment of people through their full participation is education, employment and political and social life is vital. What every people wants now is permanent development.

There are vast areas, often remote and beyond government control in the world. There are many lawless areas where the biggest gun and hardest nerve prevails over any reason. There are people who are largely agricultural or rural, and have no way to cooperate with any authority. Yet economic development in these places still is important. We need to make it our agenda to be constantly re-acquainted with the reality of the common people. If poor people are insulated or kept in the dark about how life really is, we get moments of poor leaders who have no idea of the price of democracy. After World War Two, many countries made many social compacts to share knowledge and transfer wealth among themselves and their society. The great peace programs and non-violent movements mostly had their origins during these two time periods.

What is conspicuously lacking today are several things: the ability to construct a civil society that treats all its members and children and human beings, including the "less fortunate", a sense of social responsibility among the newly minted rich and powerful, and a vision for the next twenty years or so globally that is humane and just for all children and the people. In the past, it has fallen on several groups of people to deliver the message of social reality.

We must remember societies are made up of three classes of people at a minimum if they are to be successful. Everyone seems to be so eager to talk about development that they fail to see that this type of behavior left untrammeled always (not often, but always) leads to globalization. Today's Global Terrorism is only the most obvious recent manifestation of this.

It is very true that human societies used to practice a lot more on work. Why is that? One word: economics. Work was deeply rooted in the practical. So how long will our societies of the present going to last along with their work? Maybe by a lot of change around the world in expected places and in organic ways of progression. Perhaps there is a way to get officials to cooperate with the international fight for economic progress and let people solve their own local problems as well. This might entail several such areas spread out over some countries. It would mean a lot of work in education and cooperation. Economic development can be powerful and successful, if the will and means are found and a viable strategy and funding made available, the idea may both take advantage of normal human behavior as well as actually help solve the problems.

The promotion of an economic society, means where people learn to live together in harmony which will contribute to the strengthening and cooperation.

It is a time for reflection on culture of development for the people that reject violence to solve problems. It is true, building a development for the people of the World brings together the ideas of hundreds of people. Since the program focuses on making and keeping development, it must begin at the grassroots level through education programs. The vast majority of officials in the world have little or no knowledge of the programs.

A culture of development features competition among people.

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Journalist, poet and editor Kamala Sarup works at the Cape Collection. Kamala specializes in reporting news and writing stories covering journalism, Peace, Public health, Democracy, Women/Children, development, justice and economic development. (more...)

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