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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 2/13/11

Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began

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Stephen Lendman
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Why expect them from a man who led a military, not populist, coup against a sitting ruler, no matter how corrupt, illegitimate and ruthless! They're both cut from the same mold, representing power, not popular interests.

As a result perhaps, on February 12, Reuters headlined, "Egypt protest leaders vow to protect their revolution," saying:

In two overnight communiques, core organizers "demanded the dissolution of the cabinet Mubarak appointed on January 29 and the suspension of the parliament elected in a rigged poll late last year."

They also want "a transitional five-member presidential council made up of four civilians and one military person to prepare for an election to take place within nine months, and (a) body to draft a new democratic constitution."

Moreover, they demand media and (professional) syndicates freedom, military and emergency courts abolished, free formation of political parties, and since protests began, immediately ending Egypt's Emergency Law, enacted in 1981. Surprisingly, however, it wasn't in either communique though clearly a top priority.

Pharmicist Ghada Elmasalmy told Reuters:

"The army is with us but it must realize our demands. Half revolutions kill nations. Now we know our place. Whenever there is injustice, we will come to Tahrir Square."

According to Al Arabiya television, army officials will soon dismiss Mubarak's cabinet and suspend parliament. In addition, the Constitutional Court head will join the military council and participate in Egypt's governance.

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