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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 7/6/11

Killing Old People Is Fiscally Responsible

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David Swanson
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"The fiscal good has to outweigh the pain," a nameless Democrat told the Washington Post regarding President Obama's latest proposal to massively cut Social Security, against the wishes of the vast majority of Americans, in order to fund a military 670% larger than the next largest in the world, keep in place tax cuts for billionaires, fail to tax corporations or estates or investments or carbon, and balance a budget that nobody gives a rat's ass about balancing when Wall Street comes asking for handouts.

Not to put too fine a point on it, Mr. President, but f*ck your fiscal good. Whose fiscal good is it? And whose pain? Last week the New York Times said you hoped by hacking away at Medicare to inflict some pain on your base. That way, supposedly, the Republicans would inflict some pain on their base. Then we'd all feel better. Assuming we're all Wall Street banksters. But what if we're actually, almost all of us, the people you criminals call your bases? You, Captain Peace Prize, propose slashing Medicare and Social Security. And, in exchange, according to the Washington Post, Eric Cantor has proposed more tax cuts for free loaders who don't work for a living. What a deal!

Let's face it: any bargain seems to look good to you, as long as it kills people. That makes you tough, I guess. You have a list of Americans to assassinate. You have six wars going, and more in the pipeline. You've made clear that Israel murdering unarmed aid workers trying to reach Gaza would be A-OK with you. And "pain" is just the price that other people will have to pay to do without healthcare, food, a roof, a coat, or -- for that matter -- hope. Of all your slogans, we seem to be left with Audacity alone, standing by itself among the ruins.

Who wasn't touched on Wednesday during your Twitter Townhall when you described your hard times paying off your student loans. I got the impression you might have even had to glance at the prices on a menu once or twice before ordering. Am I overstating it? The point is, you suffered horribly, just not quite as horribly as the people you are now trying to reduce to eating catfood, performing their own medical procedures, and condemning their children to lives worse -- not better -- than their own.

I'm sure you'll get a humanitarian award for this from some prison corporation or health insurance lobby group, but even people stuck in the camp of your idolaters up through Tuesday are just not impressed. Even people who've recently grown fed up with your constant caving in to the bad guys have suddenly figured out that you're not caving in. You are the bad guys. You're a heartless, murderous, plutocratic power-monger trying to please the Washington-Wall Street establishment despite being the goddamned president of the United States. That's not secondary with you. That's all there is to you. You're not the inverse of Nixon going to China. You're Nixon going to a Grover Norquist meeting. Except that Nixon wasn't as evil as you are.

Please bear in mind three things, Mr. President.

1. You will be primaried from the left:

2. A nonviolent movement will shut down Washington in October:

3. On your death bed, perhaps many many years from now, the horror of the pain you inflicted will cause you to scream out in bitter agony: "f*ck the fiscal good! The human good! What about the human good!"

Of course it will be too late, and few of the plutocrats whom you served will pay the slightest attention to your death.

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David Swanson is the author of "When the World Outlawed War," "War Is A Lie" and "Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union." He blogs at http://davidswanson.org and http://warisacrime.org and works for the online (more...)
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