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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 6/19/13

Let's send our kids the right message about marijuana.

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Opponents of marijuana decriminalization oppose replacing prohibition with government controlled regulation, saying "We don't' want to send our kids the wrong message.  

This message:  "We think it's OK for our kids to abuse marijuana, suffer harmful effects, and destroy their lives."

But consider the messages that continuing to support prohibition send: 

It's not possible to responsibly consume marijuana;

There's no difference between marijuana use and abuse;

As a recreational substance, it's better to drink alcohol, even though alcohol causes more health problems and greater costs to society than marijuana;

It's right to continue a 44 year old policy that has not reduced demand, has cost billions of dollars and has inflicted criminal records upon hundreds of thousands.

Let's be honest.  Responsible parents help their kids avoid abusing ANY substance.

Good parents speak with their children about the use of alcohol: It's appropriate only for adults, and in moderation.

We didn't need to outlaw all cigarettes to reduce use among minors. A policy of education and regulation created an environment in which cigarette usage has fallen to an all time low.

Regulating marijuana will encourage parents to have conversations with their kids in the same way.

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Dr. Hine is a Tennessee physician who focuses on health promotion and wellness. His hobbies include producing video documentaries, producing a perfect spinach egg omelet, community volunteering and running with his golden retriever and chocolate (more...)
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