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Massachusetts Peace Action Statement on Boston Marathon Bombing

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Message Cole Harrison
Faith Madzar at Natick, MA Prayer Vigil April 17
Faith Madzar at Natick, MA Prayer Vigil April 17
(Image by Metrowest Daily News)
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Faith Madzar at Natick, MA Prayer Vigil April 17 by Metrowest Daily News

Massachusetts Peace Action shares in the sadness, appreciation, restraint and solidarity shown by President Obama, Governor Patrick, faith and civic leaders, and neighbors in the face of the violence at Monday's Boston Marathon and during the days following.

There is sadness for those killed and injured, for the families whose lives have been scarred, and for the culture of violence, here and abroad, that leads to such senseless acts.

There is appreciation for first responders, including Boston peace activist Carlos Arredondo, whose courageous actions saved lives and modeled how all of us should respond in times of crisis.

There must be restraint, as the facts of the violence emerge -- especially toward individuals and communities who are too often blamed or scapegoated in acts of political violence. We call on our leaders and the media to be especially careful in the days to come.

Finally, there is solidarity; Boston has seen the face of the violence that is a daily reality for civilians in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and other places wracked by the impact of militarism.

In the days and months ahead, we commit to helping our community heal, connect and create a culture of peace.

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I am a staff member of Massachusetts Peace Action, working for abolition of nuclear weapons, an end to the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and cuts in the military budget to fund human needs.
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