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Proxy Wars in the 21st Century-The New Imperialism

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(Article changed on November 13, 2012 at 17:02)

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Devastation in Aleppo

This is an expose of what is really happening in the Middle-East and North Africa. Some of this might actually open your eyes to what our country is doing in the rest of the World in the name of "Democracy".

When the Arab Spring started, the United States was unprepared for the consequences. First in Tunisia, the Arab spring swept into Algeria and Egypt. By the time it was rife in Egypt and the government of Mubarak was about to fall, the United States and its Western allies formulated a plan to hijack the Arab Spring.

In concert with most of NATO, Oman, Qatar and the UAE and Turkey, the United States brought foreign fighters into Libya. These fighters were not Libyan; they were Salafis, and mercenaries and other fighters that had spent time in the Jihad in Afghanistan. The small Democracy movement in Libya morphed in a well-trained, Western equipped fighting machine.

During the so-called "Revolution" in Libya, the Western backed foreign fighters in Libya met their match in the Libyan Army and Air Force, completely loyal to Gadhafi. The foreign "rebels" and mercenaries were getting severely beaten by those forces. They had no protection against air attacks and the Libyan tanks were tearing them up.

First of all, before I go on, how did you ever think that a small group of protesters that were calling for a more Democratic Libya could suddenly morph into a powerful Army that could defeat the best equipped military machine in Northern Africa? Ponder that.

Then the U.S. and NATO (the ones that usurped the small band of protesters),  had the Provisional Government come in, led by a small Deli owner from Virginia that had left Libya over 20 years ago. Even though the US kept this simple fact down, it is important for Americans to know that Libya wasn't just a small oil producer that produced light sweet crude that was easily refined, it was the 18th largest oil producer in the World.

Most of this oil was being bought by China in Yuan or in Gold. The Libyan government took any kind of payment unlike Saudi Arabia that signed an agreement with the US that all oil dealings would be paid in Petro Dollars and that the money earned would be funneled back into the US via Treasury bonds and US investments. Gadhafi wanted no part of that, he was quietly happy to take any currency. This infuriated Washington that they  weren't  dealing in Dollars, the World's Reserve currency. This, by the way, was something that Saddam Hussein started to do before Iraq was invaded.

Back to the "Revolution" in Libya, now that the "Revolutionaries" were stymied, NATO was in a quandary. Their attempt to overthrow Gadhafi was disintegrating. A novel idea was proposed, put in a No-Fly zone which in reality meant air support for the rebels. Now Gadhafi  couldn't  put his planes in the air, lest they be shot down by the superior NATO warplanes. His tanks were getting pummeled as well. This was an all-out air war against the Libyan Air Force and Army. It worked. The No-Fly zone was touted to the American citizens as a "humanitarian mission" with no consent from Congress, only an Executive order in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of The United States Constitution that requires consent of Congress in order to wage War. No such authorization was given. The President callously disregarded the law of the land and the US and NATO Air Forces devastated The Libyan Air Force and Army.

Dennis Kucinich made a motion in Congress to stop the air war but he was disregarded by a complacent Congress.

Now the insurgents had free reign to go after Gadhafi. The continuity of government quickly broke down as its infrastructure was being devastated from the air. The insurgents captured Benghazi and headed to Tripoli. They were mired down halfway to Tripoli in enormous battles with the Libyan Army still loyal to their country and government. The fighting was fierce and lasted for months. The Libyan Army fiercely tried to defend Tripoli. The devastated Army with no Air Force support or heavy armor that was being blasted from the sky was slowly pushed towards Tripoli.

Eventually Tripoli fell. Soldiers loyal to the Libyan leader still refused to give up . The Western Press reported that the NTC had been set up and an interim government had been set up in Tripoli even though there were still loyalist forces resisting in Tripoli. In fact, the Western Press made the take-over by mercenaries, Salafi jihadists, and help from MI-6 and U.S. Army Intelligence along with material help from Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other Arab States look like a Libyan insurrection.

Muammar Gadhafi was eventually found, reportedly suffering wounds as the result of an air attack. He was beaten and suffered having a machete shoved up his rectum; all while being videotaped by his captors. He died from his treatment instead of being tried in the International Crimes Commission. Hillary Clinton swiftly arrived and gave his eulogy: "We Came, We saw and he died".

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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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